Complete your profile, enter your starting weight and you will be eligible to earn and purchase the infamous โ€œpinkโ€ Shibboleth T-Shirt.
Enter our ring of honor by establishing yourself within the Shibboleth community as a go-getter. To be eligible to earn this coveted T-Shirt you will need to lose 10% of your beginning body weight, journal daily for a minimum of 30 days, and you must earn the Phase 1 Badge by passing the Phase 1 Test located under your Daily Dose Phase 1 Videos.
There is only one way to wear one of these Shibboleth T-Shirts: You gotta earn this!

NOTE: You must journal online daily to participate in the awards system. OR, bring your journal into our Care Center for awards. T-Shirts are awarded based on weight loss and number of days consecutive journaling.