Success at 67 years old with Shibboleth Main Blog
June 21, 2022 Posted by Lara Shibboleth

If I can have success at 67 years old with this program, so can you! Make yourself important enough to take the time for your health. Reach out to this group for encouragement, meal suggestions, and prayers! The resources on the site are amazing! Remember that if you fall down 7 times, pick yourself up 8!
Weight Loss

One Year Anniversary! ~ Dana Fraley Jones
One Year Anniversary! Before: 191lbs, size 16 pants, xl shirt Today: 131lbs, size 6 pants, sm shirt As I signed …

This Program Works! ~ Chris Harman Kemper
I hope this will encourage others to continue the journey, especially those of us that have developed type 2 diabetes. …

Shibboleth was the tool God provided me to control of my life~ Sally Klock
Addiction is addiction .... claim your victory through Jesus Christ!!! He has given me the power to kick my addiction …

I am Down 40 Pounds! ~Nicole Smith
I never thought I'd share these publicly, but here we are. There may be someone out there who needs to …

What a Difference a Year Makes! ~ Billy & Kim
What a difference a year makes! Last Easter, both Kim and I were overweight and unhealthy. We are so thankful …

Love London Broil
London Broil is one of my favorite ingredients on Planet Shibboleth. It's very very lean and one of the few …

Hemp Flake Island
After my text message this morning many subscribers replied asking for more details about my hemp flake island plan. BTW, …

Get busy living
I've been working on my vessel for many years. The work nor the journey is even close to complete. Time …

Hoe your row. We won't leave you.
Hoe your row. I learned what this meant from my mama. I am a mamas boy and I am proud …

Blind leading the blind
When the blind follow the blind they both wind up in the ditch. Weight loss is not all about calorie …

Jesus the Lion has prevailed
If this BLOG encouraged you please share on facebook and if others need help ask them to Text MAYDAY to …

In order to see the number on the scales SHRINK you have to see something else RISE or you are …

Feel great or don't feel great?
9/7/2016 If you are reading this you are probably trying to lose weight, have lost weight or are at your …