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Message to me from a friend:

Well.... It's time to make a true change. I am so inspired by how you have kept your weight off. I have gained the weight back and need to restart. Where do I start Kim? My schedule is always crazy and I got lazy. HELP.... How do you do it?

My response:
First and foremost, I’ve decided it is something I want and I am willing to fight for it even if I’m fighting myself at times.

I use Shibboleth as a management system. I like knowing specifically what to do, which I do know now in Shibboleth. Shibboleth helps me measure moderation and know when I must stop. I live within the guidelines whether I want to do it or not. I battle/fight daily, but it’s worth it. I’d rather have to battle some and feel good than give in and not feel good. Believe me though, it’s a battle, and I tell myself “no” all the time.

I can boil this down to just a few things.

In weight loss mode, have no more than six holidays in a calendar month.

Then do the following daily:
1. Set your water out every morning and make sure you drink it.

2. Write down what you eat. Try to write it before you bite it.

3. Eat according to the combinations, from a recipe from the recipe library, food from the restaurant guide, and meal replacements.

4. Have no more than what fits under your hands up to three times a day. If you have a moment of mental weakness, have a freebie, an extra, or a snack. Try not to do all of them.

5. Give yourself 4-6 hours between meals.

Out of these 5 things, which I call my five daily disciplines, only 1 of them has to do with what you are actually eating. The other 4 are habits. It’s the habits that must be formed. They are formed by repetitively applying daily for a body and mind memorization.

After a while, you’ll want to do it consistently. It does take perseverance. It’s never going to be easy like it’s not a problem, but it can become what you do.

I finish breakfast and start thinking about lunch. I finish lunch and start thinking about dinner. I could eat all day. I just know the standards now where I didn’t before. I like being a person with standards. I just didn’t know what the eating habits should be until Shibboleth. Not knowing specifically what to do and having no standards for eating, created bad habits. Now, that I know what they are, I have to correct them.

I’m so thankful to have Shibboleth as a management system. I’m grateful to know what works.

I started rambling. I hope it helps. 💕

Posted this here in case it helps someone else.

Feb. 13, 2022 Motivation