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Every month I look at the following information for the previous month then compare to the months before that. Looking at your trends will help you understand your application of the Shibboleth lifestyle. It also helps me stay focused. If you participate in Tiger's Eye, Lion, or Shark days, you could keep stats on those, too. Journaling will be important to help see how you are doing. Your timing chart shows an important visual. To find these stats, you can look at the small grey boxes at the bottom of each day in your timing chart. It shows a different letter for each bit of data you entered in your account. There is a key under the timing chart for each letter. I also look at the weight graph in my profile for the last 30 days, 60, days, and 90 days. It is really motivating to do your stats. It can motivate you to keep doing your best or help you see that you need to exercise your self-discipline muscle and give you the motivation to do that.

You can copy and paste this list into your computer calendar for the 1st day of each month.
Month beginning weight
Month end weight
Number of holidays
Number of perfect days
Any challenges (the ones run by Shibboleth)
Any battles (meaning participating in the Battle Buddy feature of the website) This is a great way for you and some friends to hold each other accountable and have some fun.
Highest weight in month
Lowest weight in month
Any IMF days

Please feel free to comment below if this blog helped you.

Sept. 13, 2023 Motivation