Psalm 31:23~24 ~ Oh, love the Lord, all you His saints! For the Lord preserves the faithful, and fully repays the proud person. Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart.
Woke up this morning with Melvin Wells Jr., Jason Whitener, Bobby Cartledge, Tony C Davis and Charles Grant on my heart and mind. No particular reason but thinking back to small gestures of love and grace they have shown me.
Thinking about the Shibboleth family and their faithfulness to our little program.
I feel blessed this morning.
Today, help my unbelief Lord and strengthen the things that remain.
I’ve spied out the land and it is a land
flowing with milk and honey. At times I feel like a little grasshopper unable to be part of a life flowing with bliss and love. My unbelief prevents me from apprehending all that could be.
Help my unbelief, Lord. Strengthen my belief Lord.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God.
Fill me with your Great Great Spirit Oh Lord. Give me wisdom liberally. Supply me with abundant goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-discipline. I am not ashamed of the only name whereby men are saved.
There is no other name that strengthens me more than the name of Jesus. To say Jesus. To hear Jesus. Jesus you are my love language.
Like Caleb of old, help me have an excellent and pleasing spirit God.
I often cower when facing troubles and lose faith. I know I frustrate your grace but you are full of abundant mercy and forgiveness in Christ.
Help me to turn towards you without wavering, without pride, but with full confidence that YOU are the giver of good gifts.
My bones and vitality also dry up like the drought of Summer.
Can my bones live again? Thou knowest.
Preach to me Great Spirit so that these bones may live again.
I love you Lord.
Today I will try to be loving awareness. I will try to love everything and everyone that I am aware of with the love of Christ.
Give me my desire back. A godly desire. Help me finish what I started and I will give your the praise you so richly deserve. Whether you will or whether you won’t, I will not stop praising you in the holiest of holiest of places. I pray and beg in Jesus name.
Can this grasshopper apprehend? All things are possible in Christ.
A prayer Wednesday, March 9, 2022