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It is said that an old dog can’t learn new tricks. I think generally speaking, that is true. At more than a half century old (52), it’s easy to stop learning and to stop growing. You know, easy to become set in your ways.

Yet, I find the most impressive people have decades of experience, but still have the exuberant joy of a teen. These people are thought provoking in conversation and a joy to be around recreationally.

I can see that I’m not evolving and am becoming so set in my ways that I may become a grumpy old man if unwilling, as an old dog, to learn new tricks.

Recently, I was having fun, being silly, and almost childlike in my behavior. I was behaving as if I were young, wild and free. The kids around me were loving it and I was enjoying their company as well. Immediately I felt healthier, alive and giddy. It was as if I had gained twenty years back. Later, a person a wee bit older than me said, “Isn’t it time to act your age?” I began to relive in my mind how goofy and foolish I had looked. Instantly, I felt sad and felt even older than my age.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot.

Look your age, act your age, and so on!

From birth to grave, so many are in bondage not to the laws of God but to the laws of all of the little gods of this world.

Freedom is feeling alive, happy and free. It’s feeling confident, open, and sexy even if you’re 100!

People take longevity drugs, supplements and all kinds of things to try and live longer but really what we need to do is put more life in our living….

Smile more.
Love more.
Dance more.
Be silly more.
Reinvent your clothing and style more often.
Dance and speak love, peace and prosperity more.
Forgive more.
Dream more.
Go for it more.

Life is a grand adventure and you only lose out when you think there is anything to lose.

The Bible says, until you lose this life, you won’t gain life.

I’m ready to lose life. Not my values (my values matter for me, not someone else’s) but lose the dogma and restraints that others enforce upon me. I’m so tired of living in a way that restrains me because I’m afraid of being judged or making a mistake.

Living unto the Lord, for me, is accepting His grace, still adhering to my deepest values but being happy and free.

The life I live is making me sick and depressed.

Worry and fear based living has got to go.

And the people who would judge me for living my highest and best, authentic life, are all complainers, miserable, gossipers, and hurting.

Sure, most of them go to church every Sunday, smile as they look up into the first heaven from the choir, and are good people as they themselves define good people but as soon as church lets out, here we go gossiping, complaining, whining, and finding everything negative to think and talk about.

I am NOT saying all Church people are this way but I am saying a lot of US are acting like OLD DOGS who can’t learn a few new tricks before this thing wraps up. Some of the best people I know are also some of the most unhappiest people I know outside of church. They aren’t having fun and yes, I know there is more to life than having fun but if you aren’t having fun then you’re not doing something right.

I’m ready to be part of the party and to show folks that you can love the Lord and still have a lot of fun. Life has to have some adventure. It’s so easy to get in a place mentally where you take yourself to seriously.

I want to be the old man that has experience and wisdom but that the young people can relate to! I want to be the old man that the old people say ”act your age to”, “you are too old to act that way”, “you are too old to dress that way” and so forth.

I’m holding on too tight and I’m going to learn some new tricks.

So who is in? Who wants to give ‘em something to talk about and learn some new tricks?

Cause this sexy, confident, positive, loving old dog is about to learn some new tricks!

Jan. 16, 2023 Motivation