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In Ecclesiastes 2:11, Solomon reflects on the fleeting nature of earthly achievements, realizing that all human labor and accomplishments are ultimately vanity and vexation of spirit. He concludes that nothing under the sun brings lasting profit.

I, too, have experienced the impermanence of worldly success and possessions. Despite taking pride in my work over the years, it was unexpectedly wiped away, reminding me of life's uncertainties.

Jesus Christ taught us through Peter that true significance lies in acknowledging Him as the Son of God. Only what is done in His name and for His glory holds eternal value. As Jesus affirmed Peter's confession, He revealed that spiritual truths are revealed by the Father in Heaven.

In this temporal world, nothing we labor for will endure. Our earthly possessions, achievements, and titles hold no eternal weight. The only enduring joy comes from knowing that our names are inscribed in the Lamb’s book of life.

Let us find solace and purpose in seeking eternal treasures rather than fleeting worldly pursuits.

Devotion: Thursday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024 Motivation