Terms & Conditions

**IMPORTANT** - Please be advised to check with your physician before participating in any program. We are not doctors, we do not treat, cure, diagnose, or prescribe. These foods represented are recommendations only and should be discussed with your expert medical professional. Please talk to your doctor to see if this program and recommendations are right for you and ALWAYS read the label before consuming any foods.
If you have a history of heart-related disease or are under a physician’s care for any other medical issues, including but not limited to diabetes, consult a physician before purchasing a membership and taking part in any weight loss program.
Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth is the owner of a proprietary nutritional program which offers classes and other support services to clients interested in a healthy balanced life style. You are signing up for our program online. Under this contract, no further payments shall be due to anyone, including any purchaser of any note associated with or contained in this contract, in the event the location at which the contract is entered into ceases operation and fails to offer an alternate location, substantially similar. In addition, you (the Buyer) may cancel this agreement within 30 days from the time you knew or should have known of any substantial change in the services or programs available at the time you joined. Substantial changes include, but are not limited to, changes from being coed to being exclusively for one sex and vice-versa.
For monthly memberships: Fees are collected via automatic draft until cancelled. If at anytime you are not satisfied with your weight loss results and you no longer need our tools and resources, you may cancel without any penalties or additional charges. To cancel, submit written notice of your cancellation via e-mail to Info@myshibboleth.com PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 72 HOURS TO PROCESS YOUR CANCELLATION. YOU SHOULD CANCEL AT LEAST 5 DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED DRAFT DATE TO ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO STOP YOUR NEXT DRAFT.
You will also be entitled to cancel this contract if you (the Buyer) die or become totally and permanently disabled during the membership term set out above. In the event you should become totally and permanently disabled you should notify Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth at the address provided below. Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth has the right to require and verify reasonable evidence of total and permanent disability. For purposes of this contract “total and permanent disability” means any condition which has existed or will exist for more that 45 days and which will prevent the member from using the services to the same extent as the member used it before commencement of the disabling condition.
DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS - In the event that I default on my payment obligation, Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth has the right to collect all monies due in an accelerated manner plus any fees charged by a collection agency and/or any reasonable attorney fees including court costs.
HOURS OF OPERATION - Operation schedules are subject to change from time to time. Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth may be closed on Sundays or holidays. Schedule changes will be posted in advance.
UNAVAILABILITY OF FACILITY OR SERVICES - I agree to hold Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth harmless in the event that particular facility or service in the premises may be unavailable at any particular time due to mechanical breakdown, fire, an act of God, condemnation, loss of lease, catastrophe or any other reason.
RELEASE FROM LIABILITY - I affirmatively represent to Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth, its employees, agents and representatives that I am in good physical condition and am physically able to participate in any and all nutritional programs, physical exercises and treatments, provided by Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth. If I have a history of heart disease, I will consult a physician before joining. I undertake all nutritional programs, exercises, treatment and all use of all Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth programs at my own risk. I expressly release and indemnify Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth its employees, agents and representatives from any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action, whatsoever, to me or my property arising out of, or connected with the use of the services and/or facilities offered by Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth, it employees, representatives, agents and officers.
PARTICIPATION - I understand that my failure to attend Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth classes does not constitute grounds for a refund or cancellation. Participation in special events is strictly voluntary and Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth does not endorse nor recommend utilization of outside vendors or participants.
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS - Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth is the owner of all right, title, and interest in the Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth brand and logos. No person or entity may reproduce or use (or authorize the reproduction or use of) the Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth brands and logos in any manner other than expressly authorized in writing by Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth. Unauthorized use of Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth brands and logos are strictly prohibited.
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT - Under no circumstances may Uncommon Paths, LLC materials be duplicated. These are copyrighted materials and legal action will be taken should you replicate any Uncommon Paths, LLC materials. These materials accompany the services that Uncommon Paths, LLC provides to its clients and Uncommon Paths, LLC takes no responsibility for those individuals who are taking information from current or past clients and applying that information as they interpret it. MyShibboleth is an educational nutrition service that offers great results and satisfaction to its current clients on file.
LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT - This agreement is legally binding regardless of whether my use of the facility and its services is determined and paid for on a monthly basis.
GOVERNING LAW – This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Georgia.
VERBAL AGREEMENT – This agreement contains the entire agreement and may not be changed or terminated orally.
SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT – As a subscriber to one of our Fee-Based Products, you agree as follows:
You agree to pay, using a valid credit card (or other form of payment which we may accept from time to time), the fixed and periodic charges and fees (including prepayment plan fees for multiple periods) set forth on this Agreement (such as the fixed Sign Up Fee and/or the recurring Monthly Fee), applicable taxes, and other charges and fees incurred in order to access our Fee-Based Products. We will automatically charge your credit card or other account at the start of the standard or multiple-period prepayment plan billing period and at the start of each renewal period, unless you terminate or cancel your subscription. (Please allow up to 72 hours to process your cancellation request. Written notice must be received at our corporate offices or via e-mail to info@myshibboleth.com at least 5 days before the relevant renewal period begins.) The renewal charge will be the same as the prior period's charge, unless we notify you in advance at the time of sign up or prior to the beginning of the renewal period as described above. In the event we cannot charge your account, we reserve the right to terminate your access to our Fee-Based Products. If you purchased a multiple- period prepayment plan or you were eligible for a discounted rate but are no long eligible for that rate, your subscription will automatically be renewed at our standard subscription rates and for our standard period (usually monthly) at the start of the renewal period. If you wish to purchase another prepayment plan for multiple periods and we are currently offering prepayment plans at such time, you must notify us prior to the termination of your current prepayment plan.
REFUND POLICY – Except as specifically set forth herein, all product and service sales are final. Except as provided herein, there will be no refunds given after receipt of payment and/or receipt of Uncommon Paths, LLC d/b/a MyShibboleth materials. You agree that all fees and charges assessed by us are nonrefundable. Nonrefundable fees include the Sign Up Fee, and the full Monthly Fee for any month (or portion thereof) elapsed (regardless of whether you logged onto our Website or used the Fee-Based Product during that month).
CANCELLATION OF SUBSCRIPTION - Either you or Uncommon Paths, LLC dba MyShibboleth.com may terminate or cancel your subscription to our Fee-Based Products at any time. You understand and agree that the cancellation or termination of your subscription is your sole right and remedy with respect to any dispute with us including, without limitation, any dispute related to, or arising out of: (i) any terms of this Agreement or our enforcement or application of this Agreement; or our enforcement or application of these policies; (ii) the content available through this Website or any change in content provided through the Website or on a Fee-Based Product; (iii) your ability to access and/or use our Website or any Fee-Based Product; or (iv) the amount or types of our fees or charges, surcharges, applicable taxes, or billing methods, or any change to our fees or charges, applicable taxes, or billing methods. Upon cancellation or termination of your subscription to our Fee-Based Products, we may immediately deactivate your user account and all related information and/or files in your user account and/or bar any further access to such information and/or files, our Website (or part thereof) and/or our Fee-Based Products, except as we may otherwise provide from time to time.
You can cancel your subscription by contacting Client Care at Info@myshibboleth.com or (470)227.7528, however we do require your cancellation in writing (email or written letter) Please allow up to 72 hours for cancellation once we receive your request. All cancellation requests must be received at least 5 business days prior to next draft date.
Last Updated: 22/07/2016