Hemp Hearts

(1 voted)
WLM: -1


Hemp Seed (Hemp Hearts) is a cleanser and a tool for weight loss. It is an excellent source of nutrients including protein and fiber during reduced calorie intake. The cleansing property assists in weight loss since retention of body waste means the weight is not coming off.

Sprinkle on your salads, your peanut butter, and egg whites; sprinkle over vegetables. Check out our food library for different ways of using hemp hearts in your Shibboleth program.


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Serving Size: 3 tbls

Total Calories per serving: 170

Calories from Fat: 120.0

Total Fat: 13.0

Total Carbohydrate: 3.0

Dietary Fiber: 3.0

Sugars: 1.0

Protein: 10.0

Low Sodium: yes


  • Size: 1 lb tub


Product Reviews

Average rating: 5

Rating: 5.0 11 years, 3 months ago

These are great as a Superfood. Also, there is a meal plan utilizing these that assist you with losing up to one pound each day. If you aren't using within a meal plan use very sparingly. The Hemp Bar Recipe is great too!

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