Success Stories

Success Stories of Real People. Just Like You.

I’ve been on this journey for almost a year!! I’ve lost 55 pounds living this lifestyle!!
Best thing I ever did on 11.15.2021 became a lifetime member of this wonderful family💜💜💜 So glad God brought me here🙌🏻🙌🏻
This morning I decided to put on the outfit I took my first photo in on January 27th, 2022. Here I am then and now. I’ve lost 67 pounds since I started. (This outfit might have to go after this comparison:)
Wanted to inspire those of you that might be ready to throw in the towel. Keep your journey going. Never look back. Keep faith in your heart and soul and a smile on your face cause this is the life you deserve.
The weight for me is in MY past and I look forward every single day. I will live this lifestyle because I matter to myself and to those who love me. We have a great support system with all of us on this journey and our families. Thank you to everyone who gives their all to Shibboleth.
You are a blessing every single day.

I want you guys to notice the smile then and now on my face. We all have a healthy future as long as we keep moving forward and do not loose sight of our goals and our why’s.
God is good all the time!
All the time God is good!
Come on y’all let’s do a happy dance for our success!!!

As of today, I have lost a total of 83 pounds. This may not mean much to everyone else but it means a whole lot to me.
Thank God I am getting closer to my goal weight. On the left I was at my heaviest of 236 and on the right was from today at 153. Only 3 more pounds to get to my goal weight!
But this time, after staring at that blank a long time, I finally put that number in, 130lb goal weight.
My first 40lbs came off in only 4 months. Then my husband wanted to join me, so I began to not be as "strict" so as to walk with him where he was at, yet the weight still came off, bit by bit. Nice and slow and had a few plateaus, but honestly, I wasn't discouraged. I knew this was working and it was up to me how fast or slow it would happen.
I am not disappointed.....I went right past the 150 barriers I had always stopped at before. I am now right at my goal weight. I feel so good. I have my annual physical today. I will report what my numbers are compared to a year ago. But in the meanwhile, I just had to take a moment and be grateful for this journey God allowed me to take with Him and with you guys!

One year anniversary!
Before: 191lbs, size 16 pants, xl shirt
Today: 131lbs, size 6 pants, sm shirt
As I signed up for Shibboleth I stared at my computer screen when it said to fill in my goal weight. That was a hard one. A number popped into my head and I told myself, "No, that's unreasonable. You can usually hold 150 the best for your age (55) and height (5'2). Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
But I knew I should do it. Something told me, "Trust me." My husband even said, "Don't try hard to get "skinny". I get that. He didn't want me to feel compelled to " have to be a certain weight."

Hey Shrinky Dinks: So a Facebook memory popped up yesterday. This was one of the pictures that made me start to look for a new lifestyle because the one I was living was not making me happy. Who knows what I weighed on this day in 2020. I started my journey on February 15th at 190 pounds.
I maintained 155ish all summer and hit it hard a few weeks ago to finish my original goal. Yesterday I did it! I hit my goal of 145 and went out and got myself a pair of size 6 jeans and 3 small shirts. I love how I feel and look. Thanks Sheryl Banister for the first motivation to do this and every day since!
The Shibboleth lifestyle saved my life!!

Sometimes looking back can be painful. Looking back is necessary to hold you accountable for weight loss/maintenance and for encouragement to keep going.

Thank God for Shibboleth. The picture on the right is my husband Eddie and I last November. I started Shibboleth on November 29th and Eddie started on January 1st. The picture on the left is today. As a couple, we have lost 100 pounds. Eddie has about another 20 to go and I have at least another 30.
It was been so great doing this together! We love Shibboleth. Thanks to Travis and to all the other staff and members for all the support. And to Joey and Alicia Edwards who inspired us!
"I still have a bit more to lose, but I’m SO EXCITED that I hit this Big goal! Also, I’ve lost 7.5” off my waist, and almost 7” off my hips! 😱
Just taking it 1 day at a time!! #Shibboleth"

"I seriously did a happy dance today when I got on the scale and saw that I FINALLY earned my 💥50 LB BADGE!💥 I feel like I’ve been so close for a long time and then holidays would come up and I kept not meeting this goal."

I was getting really big 😭 I started to have more health issues popping up and never once did a doctor tell me to lose weight. And I didn't think I was that big . Down 4 pant sizes.
One of my whys is that ... I can control obesity! I can't control if the electrical system in my heart is wonky .. but wow .. take lots of pictures friends it will help motivate you! My transformation pictures continue Tabitha Rogers❤️
I continue to exercise 5-6 days a week and drinking a gallon of water a day. It is now a habit (thank goodness).
Thank you again. This is a lifelong endeavor and I’m grateful for each of you.

I just wanted to leave a note saying how thankful I am for the Shibboleth lifestyle and for the amazing support that comes along with it. I reached my goal about 4 weeks ago and have been maintaining it. I won’t lie: it’s a different mindset when I was so used to 6 or less holidays a month. I’m slowly adding foods (very slowly) and weighing daily as I have done for months.

I have not been one to post on this site but I do follow it faithfully. I signed up for Shibboleth on Feb 28 2019. I did the Cliff note version of picking recipes and going through the motions of following parts of the program. I didn't "have time" to watch all those videos and really learn the program. I lost a few pounds along the way but would soon put it back on. What I found to be consistent was all the folks who were committed to the plan posting their impressive weight loss. Finally early in 2021 I made a promise to myself to watch Fast Track and take the tests and learn as much as my head could hold. I didn't make a lot of "noise" about my commitment to eat healthy and lose weight because I have spent most of my life "dieting", losing and gaining the same weight. I felt that the world looked at me and thought "here she goes again. Wonder how long it will last this time." I started the program on March 15 2021 at 265 lbs even though it had been more and I set a goal to lose 90 lbs. The calculated target date was Jan 2022 to meet that goal. Even though I have not met that goal, I am close enough to see it in my near future. Today, 365 days from my start date, I am down 83 lbs and am still striving for the 90 lb loss....and more. I found that after Thanksgiving and Christmas I got lazy. I was still eating Shibby approved meals but wasn't as disciplined with portion control and water consumption so my weight loss stalled. I have gone through some major life changes the end of 2021 but am getting settled into my new normal (job and home) and ready to get these last pounds off. I want this super long post to encourage someone who can relate to my struggles with my weight.
If I can have success at 67 years old with this program, so can you! Make yourself important enough to take the time for your health. Reach out to this group for encouragement, meal suggestions and prayers! The resources on the site are amazing! Remember that if you fall down 7 times, pick yourself up 8! The picture on the left was taken Mar 14 2021 and the right taken today.
I AM DOWN ALMOST 120 LBS AND ALICIA IS DOWN OVER 90 LBS. You can reach your goals and beyond!`

I am so glad Alicia Ward Edwards talked me into starting this journey together 11 months ago. I asked the same question that most people ask me... What's the catch? The catch is you have to be willing to forget everything you think you know about nutrition. If you can trust and follow the program, IT WILL WORK!!

I love Shibboleth!!!! I am so thankful that God sent this program to me.
I’m shrinking 🙌🏻🔥🔥🔥Thank you Shibboleth!!!!

I’m shrinking 🙌🏻🔥🔥🔥Thank you Shibboleth!!!!

my 40 day social media fast was so much needed but I am so glad to he back. I missed you all.
I wanted to share what has happened in my 40 days off
- I went under 175 for a total of 86lbs gone💪
- our family threw us a biggest loser party for our total of 180lbs down since March 29th.
- I ran my 1st Half Marathon on November 13th in 3:08 🏃♀️
- I bought a pair of nine west skinny jeans in a SIZE 10 😁
- and tonight we had dress rehearsal for our adult play. We are doing the same play as 2020 but this year my dress is a size 14 instead of a 24.
Shibboleth works. ❤❤❤ And instead of gaining with the holidays I have lost 3lbs with the challenge and Jason Whitener
Shibboleth has provided the Science. All you have to do is follow the plan. On my whiteboard in my office, I have three words written at the top so they are constantly in my face.
You have to have all three for the program to work for you! And please, ask questions. You should never feel deprived. We are here for you. (((HUGS))) #BelieveInYourself"

I started my journey in a size 22/24 and today I am in a size 10. I am 61 years old and on hormones. Don't believe the LIE you might get told by a health care practitioner that it can't be done! My hormone doctor was doubtful; but my medical doctor .. well, she believed in me! I am smaller than my hormone doctor now! And I enjoy grinning every time I step on the scales now! 107 pounds gone forever! Oh and I do get the question if I am sagging anywhere. Unbelievably, my body has done so well! I have taken a high grade collagen for years and the water you drink along the journey will help with elasticity. Don't worry about sagging; let's FOCUS on your overall HEALTH! Obesity and the diseases it causes is the number one killer of all people.

How it Started! How is it Going!
Thank you Shibboleth for showing me how to do something I been trying to do for …years!!!
Praise God!
I’m sharing my comparison with you guys for accountability and motivation for me to keep on trucking! This program has been such a lifesaver for me! Thank you Shibboleth family!! ❤️

This morning my weight is 160.4.
I have an initial goal of 150 lbs.
My ideal weight range is 111-127.
NONE of these numbers define me! Not my beginning weight of 207.1, nor my lowest IWR number of 111! I’m the type of person that when I get my eyes on the prize, I go for it and am laser-focused. I realize that can be both good and bad! Sometimes we can get so focused on something that we can’t see the big picture. Well, this past week I got a little frustrated with myself (I was on plan, but didn’t see the scales move much at all). Last night I decided to take a picture and update my comparison photo. I’m so glad I did because I could see more of the overall process and not get bogged down because of one little week.

A friend told me I needed a new side by side… Red t-shirt was my first day with Shibboleth… just 6 months ago…down 60 lbs.
My heaviest weight… 263.8 lbs. I’ve gone from a size 28 to an 8! Don’t ever give up!!!! It’s soooo worth it!!!
This is my beginning and today. March 31 to Dec 3. 64.5 lbs gone

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any pictures. I’ve not been as strong as I was in the beginning but I’ve not gained. I have maintained. But I’m back full force again.

Last birthday vs today! So very thankful for this program and how it has changed my life! I started on 7/21 and yesterday I received my 50 lb badge!
That girl on the left was absolutely miserable and depressed, but today I went and bought a new outfit to celebrate and felt so proud of myself!❤️
I cannot extol the benefits of Shibboleth enough! The community support of members and mentors cannot be matched IMHO.

Sunday, November 14, 2021
Day 76
"I'm melting!"
But unlike the Wicked Witch, for me, it's a good thing!
I have struggled for so very very long. My weight and resulting diabetes are out of control. I posted my weight chart from my doctor visits from 2014 to the present. The lowest I managed was in 2019 @249 after keto. But even on keto, my diabetes was not in optimal control. And the sustainability was not there for me.
The most recent reading was the ER when I fractured my knee. And today? Well even with 34 days of limited activity, I continue to lose!
Maybe you don't have 100+ pounds to shed like I do. Maybe you just want a healthier eating plan.

Thanksgiving 2020 on the left…….2021 on the right!
Never give up! So thankful for this lifestyle!
Thank you to everyone for your help with questions and your support!
I am amazed at the transformation.

Victories today!!
Scale- I reached my goal of 40 lbs, one day shy of my set date! I started on July 21st, and I initially set my goal to lose 30lbs. I reached that at the end of September and decided to go for 10 more by November 21st. I measured a couple of weeks ago and found I have lost over 50 inches! 😊 My husband started this lifestyle with me (mostly 😉), and he is down almost 50 lbs! I can't believe that together we have lost almost 90 lbs! It's so amazing!
Non-scale My husband and I did our first in person 5k in 2 years! We both finished in just under 35 minutes, which is our best time for a 5k! *I found out that had I done the timed race rather than untimed, I would have come in 3rd in my age group! That's never been the case.Victories today!!
Scale- I reached my goal of 40 lbs, one day shy of my set date! I started on July 21st, and I initially set my goal to lose 30lbs. I reached that at the end of September and decided to go for 10 more by November 21st. I measured a couple of weeks ago and found I have lost over 50 inches! 😊 My husband started this lifestyle with me (mostly 😉), and he is down almost 50 lbs! I can't believe that together we have lost almost 90 lbs! It's so amazing!
Non scale- My husband and I did our first in person 5k in 2 years! We both finished in just under 35 minutes, which is our best time for a 5k! *I found out that had I done the timed race rather than untimed, I would have come in 3rd in my age group! That's never been the case. No medal since my time wasn't official, but I am proud of myself. 🎉😊 We are doing a 10k on Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see how we do!

From 267 on the Left to 186 on the Right.
I started back March 1st when I saw a post on here that motivated me to finally give it my best, I feel sooooo much better!!!
3️⃣8️⃣ pounds gone in only three months. Praising the Lord for the Shibby life! 🎉
So happy to have this pink shirt!! 🎉🎉

Y’all….take the picture!! 📸 It was so hard and humbling to take that first photo!! So glad I did though. I’m so thankful the Lord led me to Shibboleth.

Shibboleth has changed our lives in so many ways! I will never be sorry for adopting this program and implementing it with my whole family!
When you eat good, you feel good! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #220poundsgone
I was stuck and hadn’t lost any weight in months after finding shibboleth and starting I’ve lost 22lbs in 3 months.

These first two pictures are from 3 months ago when I started Shibboleth side by side with the same outfit today. The last picture is the beginning of my weight loss journey 14 months ago.

I am shocked at how big I was two years ago and I wasn’t even at my biggest then! I shocked my sister in March when she saw me after a long separation due to Covid.
Thank you Shibboleth for helping me lose 46 lbs and 46 inches! It works people! Join today!!
I still have a ways to go but man what a difference!

I had to share this pic with folks who would understand what a big deal this is. I don’t take a lot of pics or when I do it’s usually me hiding behind someone or something. The pic on the left was taken in late Feb 2021, the one on the right was taken on August 27, 2021.

Day 112….Wow! Thank you, God, Shibboleth, and My sweet friend who shared about her journey which resulted in me joining this amazing family too!
I earned my 50 pound badge and my victory badge. Thankful and blessed!
I was able to stand with my beautiful daughter on her wedding day and not be ashamed to have my picture taken. TAKE THE PICS! Trust the program! Is your WHY strong enough? YOU CAN DO THIS!

cried when I saw this picture on the left. I have to keep looking and telling myself that it's really the new evolving me❤ Thank you Shibboleth,

I have surrendered myself for 4 months! I have committed to putting myself first, holding myself accountable by weighing every day, attending live classes, listening, and applying! Y’all have been on the scaling journey with all of us!
Today I share with you my progress from start July 16th thru today! I am proud of myself for loving myself enough to finally say I am important and it’s time I start treating myself as important! Keep on everyone! Remember your worth and your importance and that you are loved by our father! You are IMPORTANT and you are worth it!
If I can do this, you can, too! 😀
Also, Go Cats!!! 📣

Old me…4 sizes bigger and 75 pounds heavier.
Becoming me…Eliminating old habits and developing a stronger, healthier me. I started June 19th, 2021.
So thankful for the Shibboleth plan. It has changed the trajectory of our family’s health.

Thank God for Shibboleth! I have learned how to actually eat (instead of starve myself) to lose weight and I've learned how to keep it off. It is so attainable. I really wish I had known about it years ago. I'm forever grateful.
I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I tried every magic pill, shot, patch and fad diet around and I did have success with some but only as long as I was intending on losing weight. As soon as I stopped the pill or shot or patch I would gain all of my weight back plus some. It was very discouraging. It was an unhealthy dangerous cycle that I thought was just my life. I really thought surgery was my final option. Thank God for Shibboleth! I have learned how to actually eat (instead of starve myself) to lose weight and I've learned how to keep it off. It is so attainable. I really wish I had known about it years ago. I'm forever grateful.
Had my yearly appointment today & my doctor was amazed that my BMI had dropped from 37% down to 26%!!
After YEARS of trying weight loss plan after weight loss plan, I finally found something that works for me & is sustainable! Thank you, Shibboleth, Travis & Sasha Martin, as well as everyone else involved in making this program a success! My only regret is not starting earlier!
Started July 22, 2019 weighing 214 lbs.
Total weight lost: 59 lbs

Had my yearly appointment today & my doctor was amazed that my BMI had dropped from 37% down to 26%!! Total weight lost: 59 lbs

When I started this journey on Jan 4, I set a goal of 6 months (180 days) to get to 130 (the middle of my ideal range for my age, height, etc). My real goal was to see the 120's again....even if it was for ONE day at 129.9.
Well here it is. Day 80 (100 days ahead of schedule) with lots of willpower and a much healthier and happier me!
Today is THE DAY! 17% weight loss and goal met! When I started this lifestyle 80 days ago, I honestly couldn't even imagine losing 10lbs. My body wasn't where it should be.....tired, unhealthy, unfit, bad eating habits, too much weight around my gut and butt, and zero plan to change.
Years ago, I weighed in the 130's (ideal). I went for my yearly checkup and my GYN commented, "You've gained 3 lbs this year". Although I absolutely loved this doctor, I was very put off by his comment. I mean, how dare he (a man) make such a statement.....did he have the first clue about water retention, hormones, etc, etc?? Then he said, "You just don't want to do that year after year".
Wisdom comes with age, and I get his warning. Three pounds over 10 years = 30 lbs. 20 years = 60 lbs. It's slow, gradual, you don't notice until you're there! Three little pounds/year is far bigger than we realize, and 15 years later, I was 25lbs heavier... well …
I seriously don't recognize myself in pictures. The guy on the left had tried everything and continued to go back to his old habits. Every day he looked in the mirror and was unhappy and those feelings were emphasized by a struggling button on my pants. Then enters Shibboleth. A new concept that I had never heard of. A plan that allowed me to eat all food categories. A program that literally taught me HOW to eat foods that I was already eating, but in a way that controls insulin and promotes fat loss. Had a great conversation with someone tonight who is in the same state I was in. I love sharing this lifestyle, I love the difference it's making in people's life and I love that I'm able to be part of such an amazing community.

I love sharing this lifestyle, I love the difference it's making in people's life and I love that I'm able to be part of such an amazing community.

It’s amazing what simple food combing does! The team at Shibboleth has it figured out. All you need is the determination and your WHY. They provide you with everything else! It's easy and very do able. Down 57 lbs!
It’s amazing what simple food combing does! The team at Shibboleth has it figured out. All you need is the determination and your WHY. They provide you with everything else! It's easy and very do able. They make it doable because they know DIEts don't work. All you need is a little education on how to eat every day foods. Before long, you can have exercise on a plate. Eating to burn fat hasn't never been so awesome.
So, get off the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet and learn to eat and enjoy the same foods you always enjoy all while burning fat, EFFICIENTLY! Down 57 lbs!
My name is Wanda. I am a 48-year-old wife, mother, and Mimi. Back in 2013 I had a tough year both emotionally and physically, which progressed until I started college to obtain my degree in psychology. Going to college online for a couple of years I learned a lot of self-discipline and motivation. I weighed more than I ever had my entire life reaching close to 270 lbs. when stepping on the scales. So, in October of 2016 I decided to start a new eating lifestyle after becoming friends on Facebook with someone who had a great testimony themselves with Shibboleth. I would watch for pictures posted and ideas shared as well as cutting my carbohydrates and drinking the ½ to a gallon of water daily. By April 2017 I had lost 70 lbs. I done well maintaining my weight until the dreaded year of 2020 and having to work for months from home. I gained back about 20-25 lbs. In January 2021 I decided to take the chance and join Planet Shibboleth, which I now regret not doing years ago. Since January …
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By April 2017 I had lost 70 lbs!

Today I woke up to the beautiful 50lbs lost badge. This is the most weight I have lost in my life. I have spent my whole life with an unhealthy relationship with food. I wish I would’ve found Shibboleth sooner and not wasted so much time being unhealthy.
Ok so I hate full body pictures...or at least I did.
The first picture was a picture take in May of 2020, I was probably around 290 lbs, my highest I think . I had a great friend Jennifer Carpenter Ray who brought me into the Shibboleth World. I joined in September of 2020 at 284.6lbs wearing a size 2X shirt and size 24 pants.
The second picture was around December, I was closer to 245lbs. I was trying on a pair of size 18 jeans. This was so exciting, but I am not content, I want to lose more, so I stay the course.
Today I woke up to the beautiful 50lbs lost badge. This is the most weight I have lost in my life. I have spent my whole life with an unhealthy relationship with food. I wish I would’ve found Shibboleth sooner and not wasted so much time being unhealthy.
There was a couple of success stories that inspired me and kept me going as a I was getting started (pictured on the left) in 2019 on this journey with Shibboleth. I wasn’t going to share this but then thought...maybe it can help someone else get inspired, stay the course, keep going, believe more...
So here it is. I’m eternally grateful for Travis and the Shibboleth family. I am down 65 lbs. Here’s the secret. Get started, never quit and get better as you go. These results took over a year and a half and the habits I had when getting started vs the ones I have now are staggeringly different. Anything worth it will take time. This transformation. Your transformation will take time.
You can’t out train a bad diet. Get started, stay the course, don’t quit, and get better and better as you go. God is good!
All the answers are in the program. So much has been figured out for your. Just listen, learn, and apply.

I’m eternally grateful for Travis and the Shibboleth family. I am down 65 lbs. Here’s the secret. Get started, never quit and get better as you go. These results took over a year and a half and the habits I had when getting started vs the ones I have now are staggeringly different. Anything worth it will take time. This transformation. Your transformation will take time.

Sharing my progress.....don't ever give up. Progress gets slow at times but celebrate each day and victory.
Started out as 26/28 pants and now a 16 and shirts were a 3X and now a large & sometimes an XL.
Here are some pictures to go along with my 112 lb loss.....Started out as a 26/28 pants and now a 16 and shirts were a 3X and now a large & sometimes an XL.-- THANK YOU EVERYONE!
I really hated my pictures before but I am proud of my change and this lifestyle. My beginning weight before I started the program was 284. I listed 274 because I was ashamed. I am at 202 today. I have gained some weight back after a holiday, but with this lifestyle I know what to do. I went to Dr last week for a follow up and weighed 199. He approves of this program. He has changed my BP medicine in half. I go back in a month and may get to come off of them. He also said that I was diabetic but he changed my diagnosis to history of diabetes. I hope I can inspire someone else.

I went to Dr last week for a follow up and weighed 199. He approves of this program. He has changed my BP medicine in half. I go back in a month and may get to come off of them. He also said that I was diabetic but he changed my diagnosis to history of diabetes.

I've found it pretty easy to continue to follow the tenets of the Shibboleth diet and maintain a fully vegan diet. I've stabilized at around 202lb for the past four months. I'm very grateful for being introduced to Shibboleth!
My Shibboleth journey began when I spent Thanksgiving of 2019 with my family and saw the amazing results of the diet. Three of my siblings and their spouses, whom I hadn't seen for 8-9 months, had been on Shibboleth for about 3-4 months at that time. At Thanksgiving, I realized that I was still in my old world of being significantly overweight. My weight was even limiting my enjoyment of activities that I had previously always been able to fully participate in. As an emergency physician, I see patients daily whose lives are limited and shortened by excess weight, and always knew that I was certainly in that category. I started the diet at 258lb and dropped to a low of 198lb over an 8-month period. I'm 6'4", so I moved on the BMI scale from "morbidly obese" down to "normal". I have been a complete vegan since 2014, but had actually gained a significant amount of weight eating pasta, bread, rice, and other simple carbs. I've found it …
3 years ago today we began on this lifestyle journey. Yes, it was hard at first, but as the weight came off it became easier to focus on what we could have. I lost 85 lbs and Ub lost 60. We have traveled 9 out of the last 18 months and maintained our goal weight. I'm sharing this to encourage anyone who is struggling. This is a very doable lifestyle. We are so thankful for Travis Martin and each and every member of this group.

I lost 85 lbs and Ub lost 60. We have traveled 9 out of the last 18 months and maintained our goal weight.

I’m quite positive I weighed closer to 320 but that’s where I started. Through the next 6-8 months I lost 70 lbs and through these last 2 years I have maintained 50-55 lbs lost.
Today marks a milestone in my “Shibboleth journey”. 2 years ago, today, I reluctantly started a “thing” called My Shibboleth. Two young fellas I attend Church with, Jonathan and Josh Montgomery, had started losing weight and after a few months of watching them and seeing they were “seriously losing the weight” and keeping it off, I mustered up the courage to text Jonathan and ask him what In the world he was doing. He shared what he was doing and I actually signed up in June of 2018. I didn’t get serious until August 1, 2018. As you see in the picture on the left, I was a BIG boy. When I actually got the courage to step on the scale it said 308 lbs. I’m quite positive I weighed closer to 320 but that’s where I started. Through the next 6-8 months I lost 70 lbs and through these last 2 years I have maintained 50-55 lbs lost.
Sorry for the long post but I’ll always be Thankful for Travis and Sasha Martin......even though I haven’t met them in person, their ministry, their staff and many …
My husband and I hit our final goal weight!! I have officially lost a little over 50 pounds and he has lost almost 60. We both weigh less than what we did before we first met. So proud of my husband and I for how far we have come and the fact we were able to do it together ❤️

My husband and I hit our final goal weight!!

50 lbs of FAT lost in 4 months & 1 week!
Question: How much does 50 lbs of concrete weigh?
Answer: The same as 50 lbs of FAT that I just lost in 4 months & 1 week after wholeheartedly committing to the Shibboleth Lifestyle........with the awesome support from the amazing Shibboleth support team - Travis, Kim, Joney, Sasha, Missy, Amy, members on FB, etc.! Thank you ALL!
On May 13, 2019, I started my Shibboleth journey. I found out I was no longer type 2 diabetic and came off my meds. My physician suggested I try Shibboleth to make sure I could keep my A1C in the non-diabetic range. I said no more DIEting, but my sweet cousin Kerri kept urging me to try Shibboleth. I gave in and by November 13th, I got my 50-Pound Badge and on November 20th, I hit my goal weight. I’ve gained some “quarantine” weight, but I’m back at it and will hit my goal weight soon. That’s what I like about my Shibby life... I’m human and I’ll take holidays and gain a little... But I know how to get right back to a weight where I feel comfortable!! Thanks Kerri King!! Thanks Travis Martinand the whole Shibboleth Team!! And Happy Shibboleth Birthday to me!!!

I gave in and by November 13th, I got my 50-Pound Badge and on November 20th, I hit my goal weight.

Hit a new low today - 133. 52 pounds gone.
Hit a new low today - 133.
52 pounds gone.
It took me 5 months to lose 50.
Get this. I thought I only needed to lose 35.
I did that in three months. Then went into maintenance planning on staying at 150.
Lost 15 more pounds over the next two months.
I have been in maintenance for about 10 months now.
Recently, I’ve been doing IMF perfect days during the week and holidays on weekends.
Here is how I do IMF. I don’t eat after 6 for sure. It’s normally 5 and often 4. Then I eat again around 8:30 the next morning.
In weight-loss mode, I had three meals a day. That was it. In maintenance mode, I have three meals a day and extra and a snack. I truly believe stopping eating early makes a huge difference. 
Y’all, get started if you haven’t and keep at it if you have. Maintenance is the place to be.
Let nothing stop you.
“If you work hard and do your best, there is nothing you can’t do!”
There are about a million ways you can lose weight. #Shibboleth has by FAR been the easiest for me to not only lose but to get healthy. Every single day I eat food I 100% enjoy. They teach you so much more than ‘what to eat on a diet’. Things that are sustainable for forever!! If this (somewhat embarrassing) glimpse into my last 9 months doesn’t convince you that ANYTHING is possible, I don’t know what will. Like, I did this. I’m shocked watching it and it’s me. I still enjoy my favorite foods but I plan when I have them instead of every day for every meal. I had a dream and a goal on January 23rd, 2019 and prayed I would be able to make this life work for me. I still wake up some days afraid it’s a dream and I’ll be back to the girl from January. I share this to show that anyone can do this if I can! I was the biggest skeptic you’ll ever meet. I was a member for a whole year before I even tried it. But I’m telling yo…

122.2 lbs gone forever, 25ish to go.

The Shibboleth lifestyle has changed my life drastically in just 3 short months I now weigh 258lbs! I have never felt so amazing in my entire life! No longer on a CPAP and almost completely off of blood pressure medicine! Thank you Shibboleth for the opportunity to live again! Bless the name of The Lord!
I started my weight loss journey in March 2019 weighing 372 lbs, the largest I had ever been in my entire life. I was miserable. From March to July I "YOYO" dieted, taking multiple diet pills, going to Dr after Dr trying to figure out different ways to lose weight. I suffered from severe sleep apnea and high blood pressure. In July 2019, I joined Shibboleth weighing 332 lbs still severely unhealthy and overweight. I was tired of feeling horrible from diet pills and lack of nutrition. The Shibboleth lifestyle has changed my life drastically in just 3 short months I now weigh 258lbs! I have never felt so amazing in my entire life! No longer on a CPAP and almost completely off of blood pressure medicine! Thank you Shibboleth for the opportunity to live again! Bless the name of The Lord!
Yesterday was my one year anniversary on planet Shibboleth, and I’m so excited to say that I’m down 90 pounds!! I’ve went from a size 16 to a 2 and I’m smallest I’ve ever been! I’m so grateful for this program and all of the support I’ve gotten! I’d love to lose 10 more pounds and earn that 100 pound badge. I really can’t believe this is real! Bless the name of the Lord!!!!

I’m so excited to say that I’m down 90 pounds!!

I have lost 25 pounds and am now in a size 12 jean, headed to a 10!!! This program changed my life. It changed my mindset about food and it holds me accountable to GOD ALMIGHTY about the food choices I make. I’m so thankful for Shibboleth and all the wonderful people involved!!
I have been on the fence about sharing these but after listening to Travis’s live video today, I decided it’s time. About a year and a half ago, I was shopping for jeans and had to move up to a size 18. I refused to buy them. Left the store crying and mad at myself. I decided then that I would lose weight. I have made that decision quite a few times over the years. In February of 2018, I joined Beachbody and started working out and eating better and lost 20 pounds. 6 months later, I had to have my gallbladder removed and lost focus. Before I knew it, I had gained half of it back. Fast forward to May 2019, some friends at church were losing weight like crazy!! They told me about Shibboleth. I joined the next week. Since then, I have lost 25 pounds and am now in a size 12 jean, headed to a 10!!! This program changed my life. It changed my mindset about food and it holds me accountable to GOD ALMIGHTY about the food choices I make. I’m so thankful for Shibboleth and all the wonderful peo…
94 POUNDS!!! I have tried losing weight ever since I gave birth to our oldest, 22 years ago. Since then, I just kept gaining and unsuccessfully losing.
November 2018, I joined Shibboleth and sat on it for two months. In January, my job had a weight loss competition, so I decided to jump in with both feet. I was totally SHOCKED at how easy Shibboleth was.
I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to God and Shibboleth.


Joining Shibboleth in October 2018 ranks among one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. 107 lbs down & counting.
Joining Shibboleth in October 2018 ranks among one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. 107 lbs down & counting.
One piece of advice>>> PHOTOGRAPH EVERYTHING. For meal references when you can’t think of anything & for transformation reference to remember how far you’ve come. I personally, created an Instagram to document my meals, grocery hauls, transformation photos, etc. I can’t tell you how many times this has saved me from a holiday just because I “couldn’t think of anything to eat”.
I debated about posting this because I can't believe I really looked like the before picture! I'm embarrassed at how out of control my weight had gotten. It's funny that I'm scared for people to see tpohe before (like they don't already know... lol). The first picture was taken one year ago this week and the second one yesterday. I started doing Shibboleth on Jan. 23rd of this year. So it's been a little less than 6 months and as of this morning, I have now lost 76 lbs! I am beyond excited!!! I'm so grateful for Shibboleth, Nikki Seabolt Marshall for helping teach me about the program, and having a loving spouse who is doing the program with me! I am much better than before, but I'm not where I want to be yet. I made my first goal to lose 110 lbs in one year. After I hit that goal I will have about 25 more pounds to be in the middle of the range the charts say I should be for my height. Today I am super excited and thankful to be healthier and h…
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I started doing Shibboleth on Jan. 23rd of this year. So it's been a little less than 6 months and as of this morning, I have now lost 76 lbs! I am beyond excited!!!

I have lost 70 lbs with Shibboleth. I’m just a few pounds from my goal, but when I started my journey on August 1st, 2018, losing 70 pounds was past my imagination.
I’m past excited this evening. I have lost 70 lbs with Shibboleth. I’m just a few pounds from my goal, but when I started my journey on August 1st, 2018, losing 70 pounds was past my imagination.
NOW, as you can see, I haven’t broken any “Shibboleth Records”. I haven’t shed 100 pounds in 6 months (which is very possible) BUT, I have lost weight AND I have enjoyed every part of my journey.
SO, if there is someone out there who is struggling.....Maybe the weight isn't coming off as fast as you think it should....My encouragement to you is....... Keep Going!!! Don’t Give Up.........Slow and steady will win the race.
I am no one special. There is still a “fat boy” inside of me who is still there, but I just made up my mind he wasn’t going to rule my life.
I’ve always been embarrassed to take a side picture because my “gut” stuck out way too far. Today, I can finally say I’m not ashamed after MANY years.
Bless the Name of the Lord!!
I have tried many weight loss programs over the years. I would lose some weight and then it would stop working for me. My husband and I started Shibboleth on July 1st, 2018 after seeing great results our friends at church had. I was amazed at how fast the weight came off. I have met my goal and then some. As of June 21st, 2019 I have lost 131.4 lbs. I'm now at a healthy weight for me. When I started this I didn't think it would work for me, but boy did it ever! Praise God that Shibboleth works!!!!

As of June 21st, 2019 I have lost 131.4 lbs.

I have lost 67 pounds and gone from that 2x/3x shirt to this large dress.
This is my picture from about two weeks after I started Shibboleth in September and my picture today. I have lost 67 pounds and gone from that 2x/3x shirt to this large dress. This last weight is stubborn and hanging on (and I tell you that almost every day) but I am still pretty darn proud of where I am after seeing this comparison.
In less than 10 months, I have lost over 100 lbs with Shibboleth. These are pictures from my wedding last year (size 24), and then on the right is where I reordered my dress in a size 10! Shibboleth really works y’all! I thought it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Wish I had done it decades ago. 10 more lbs to go and I will be in Maintenance.

In less than 10 months, I have lost over 100 lbs with Shibboleth.

Still holding at 50 lbs lost but thought these pics were more presentable and from more angles. Shibboleth works!
Posted a pic the other day but these pics are from the day I started Shibboleth, which was June 17th, and then today getting ready for church. Still holding at 50 lbs lost but thought these pics were more presentable and from more angles. Shibboleth works! And I’m pressing on to lose my last 30-40 lbs. haven’t decided yet what my goal is
Happy Shibboleth Birthday to me! One year ago today I made up my mind I was done! My painful pictures below (still hard for me to show these to anyone) were made on May 23, 2018 at an awards banquet. When I saw them I was mortified and said "That's It!" So June 2nd I began and said I was not going to stop, no matter what. I would occasionally pull up the painful pictures to remind me why I needed this and in 5 months I lost 55 lbs; 5 days before my 55th birthday. (I think 5 is my lucky number). I will never ever go back to the way I ate before. I finally feel good about myself and have more self confidence than I have in years. I am thrilled to have maintained and even lost a little more after the 5 months. Travis and Sasha, thank you for all that you do! You are truly a blessing in my life!

I finally feel good about myself and have more self confidence than I have in years. I am thrilled to have maintained and even lost a little more after the 5 months. Travis and Sasha, thank you for all that you do! You are truly a blessing in my life!

Shibboleth is not just a way of eating, it’s a fully encompassing plan that really makes you fight the mental, emotional and spiritual battles that come with addiction. I’m down 91 lbs and over 42 inches!
Can I just brag on my Lord a little bit this morning? Last June I joined Shibboleth thinking it was gonna be just like everything else I’ve tried and that I would fail with in 2 months. I topped the scales at 405 (a number I swore I would never allow myself to reach). The bottom left pictures were my starting place...I was miserable inside and out. By September I met my 10% loss and earned my shirt, took pictures on top right side and was proud of how far I had come along so quickly. I got complacent and comfortable towards the end of the year, those holidays caused me a little slowed progress because I allowed them to. We bought a house and moved right after Christmas and I was seriously riding the struggle bus most of this year (up and down the same 10-15 pounds).
But praise and glory to God who answered prayers about my need to get back on track, I knew I had wasted a lot of valuable time I would never get back and all I could do was get up and get with the program...then came the…
The picture on the left is when I started Shibboleth last year, Jan 2 and 60 lbs heavier. I reached my 60 lb weight loss goal in November and have been maintaining my weight even through the holidays! I was in a size 20-W when I started and happy to say that I now wear a size 12! Haven't been a size 12 in 40 years!
I am so happy & thankful for my friends, Sara Chris Weathers and her daughter Ana told me about this program. I only wish I knew about it years ago!
I have learned so much from Shibboleth and am truly thankful to God for Travis & all who put this program together. I believe it was God inspired! Thanks to all the Shibboleth family/workers that made & helped me with my weight loss journey! God bless you all!

I was in a size 20-W when I started and happy to say that I now wear a size 12! Haven't been a size 12 in 40 years!

I have lost 71 lbs and he has lost 50. UB has been in maintenance since January.
I have lost 71 lbs and he has lost 50. UB has been in maintenance since January.
After 21 years in the Air Force, my body was starting to wear down. My knees are bad, I had let myself gain a ton of weight, up to 240 lbs. My annual fitness test were becoming excruciating and I was afraid I was going to be faced with Retire or get healthy. After loosing and gaining a little on another program, I saw what Shibboleth had done for some friends. So, at 235 lbs I knew I had to get on board. I started Shibboleth on July 1st 2018 and as of November 17th 2018 I have met my goal weight of 185 (50 lbs!).

I started Shibboleth on July 1st 2018 and as of November 17th 2018 I have met my goal weight of 185 (50 lbs!).

This has been the easiest and fastest I have ever lost weight, and more importantly, I have found Shibboleth to be a truly sustainable lifestyle that I can live with to maintain my weight loss.
Shibboleth has been such a Godsend! I had tried another weight loss program multiple times before, and each time I s-l-o-w-l-y lost about 30 pounds, only to quickly gain it all back and more.
This has been the easiest and fastest I have ever lost weight, and more importantly, I have found Shibboleth to be a truly sustainable lifestyle that I can live with to maintain my weight loss.
I am so grateful to my good friend, Lynn Eldon, who introduced me to Shibboleth, to Travis and all of the Shibboleth staff members, and the whole Shibboleth community, who provide such wonderful support!
Bless the name of our Lord, Jesus!
4 years ago, I was at the heaviest I had ever been, over 300lbs. I went on a diet and hired a personal trainer and over the course of a year I lost 65lbs, I felt amazing and then of course life got busy and I put back on about 30lbs. So fast forward two years after that, adding more weight, and I was feeling horrible again and starting to get depressed and realized it was time to do something. Then my amazing friends Cathy Vaughn Johnson, Rachel Johnson Jones, Dana Hill Gibson, Sherry Richards Roberson and Dana Parker Rizk introduces me to Shibboleth. Like with any change I was hesitant. However I thought why not let’s try it.
So in July, I set a goal of losing 80lbs. It’s been an amazing journey so far and one that I am really enjoying. My group has been my rock and support system constantly encouraging me and for them I am soooo blessed and thankful.
I am at my 1/2 way point and feel amazing! It’s been up and down since July however I am very happy where I am so far and excited …
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I am at my 1/2 way point and feel amazing! It’s been up and down since July however I am very happy where I am so far and excited to see where I get to! If this encourages just one person, it’s so worth it. Don’t give up! The Shibboleth lifestyle is the best!!!

If you work the program, it will work for you. It literally has saved my life. I also gained a huge family of support and friends. My family and my Shibboleth family has encouraged me the entire way. I feel better, look better and love buying clothes again. Please join! It’s the best money you will ever spend!!
I joined Shibboleth in like Oct or Nov of 2017. I didn’t actually start until Jan. 4, 2018. I found my why and began. My blood pressure was running 186/108 and I weighed 255 pounds. I had tried everything out there when it came to weight loss. From Jan 4 to April 4, I lost 43 lbs. The weight was just coming off and the inches along with it. Before long, the Dr. had to completely take me off of my meds. I have kept my “WHY” at the forefront to be able to achieve my goal. I had set my goal to loose 110 lbs by the first of Dec. I fell at the gym and broke my arm in 2 places in September. I was really scared it was going to set me back because I wasn’t able to go to the gym for over 3 weeks and then only in moderation. So on Oct 23, I stepped on the scales and have lost 101 lbs! I am 9 lbs from my goal and intend to reach on or before Dec 1. I have lost 89.5 inches overall. I wish I could convince everyone to try this program. If you work the program, it will work for you. It literally ha…
I started the program to help my husband to lose weight. I knew we needed to eat healthier but I needed a plan. When I started the lifestyle there was no stopping me. I felt great and saw results quickly. 53 lbs gone and I’m not going back!

I felt great and saw results quickly. 53 lbs gone and I’m not going back!

So far, I’ve lost 43.5 lbs and 38.5 inches total!! I’m so thankful for the Shibboleth lifestyle!! It made a huge difference in my life!!
I have struggled with trying to loosing weight and not had much success trying various different programs, “Diets”!!! But mostly I had struggled with will power and sticking to anything long enough to see the results I wanted! But while we were camping in April at Stone Mountain, my sweet friend Angela Waldrop Murphree and her kids came out to spend the day with us and we took a picture together and I was so upset by how I looked!! So as I started watching Angela and her husband transform while on their Shibboleth journey, I began to ask questions! So, in June, she and Chris came over and answered all of our questions I decided to jump on board. So far, I’ve lost 43.5 lbs and 38.5 inches total!! I’m so thankful for the Shibboleth lifestyle!! It made a huge difference in my life!!
I heard about Shibboleth from a co-worker and some friends I go to church with. I was very hesitant about it because I’m a very picky eater. I never eat vegetables. I pretty much ate fast food, junk food. I thought why would I pay for something that I probably won’t do. I have tried so many times to loose weight and I would loose some but then gain it back. So on October 23rd 2017, I decided it was time for a change. I paid the $99 dollars for the 1 year membership. I was determined this time. I prayed to God. I know I can’t do this alone and You need to help me change my eating habits. I weighed right around 200 pounds and I put my goal to be 140. 8 months later, I hit my goal weight and have maintained it. This lifestyle is wonderful. I tell people that if I can do this anyone can. I encourage anyone that if you need to loose weight this is the way to go.

I weighed right around 200 pounds and I put my goal to be 140. 8 months later, I hit my goal weight and have maintained it. This lifestyle is wonderful. I tell people that if I can do this anyone can. I encourage anyone that if you need to loose weight this is the way to go.

I started Shibboleth at 262lbs, almost the same weight as the before pic here. And this is me from today at 220lbs. after losing 42lbs in 4 months on Shibboleth. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m sure not where I used to be!
This was me after my 2nd child was born at 260lbs. I didn’t want to go in public because I was depressed and hopeless. This wasn’t even my highest weight of 292lbs after my 3rd child! I saved this picture because I knew that one day it would serve as a good before pic. It was the most painful photo I have ever seen of myself. I started Shibboleth at 262lbs, almost the same weight as the before pic here. And this is me from today at 220lbs. after losing 42lbs in 4 months on Shibboleth. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m sure not where I used to be!
Though I’ve been overweight since I was a teenager. Things in my life had aided me to be even more of an emotional eater in recent years. Terribly missing my children & grandchildren when I moved from California to Georgia. I am the youngest person in Georgia to have both knees replaced at the same time due to arthritis, but most of all the unexpected tragic death of my husband last year. I joined Shibboleth but was not ready to start. I gained even more weight and at 250 lbs I knew I was done gaining and needed to do something about it! I was eating 1 bottle of Tums every 2 days. I would wake up choking & vomiting in my sleep every night. I spent the next 4 months trying to lose weight on my own and lost 12 lbs. I then found my “Why” and wrote it on my mirror (with dry erase markers) along with some weight loss motivational quotes in my bathroom where I would see it everyday and went back to Shibboleth to learn my new lifestyle! Since being on Shibboleth, I don’t even recall …
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I now have energy I didn’t even know existed, I feel great! I used to look at pictures of others on their Shibboleth journey and dream one day that could be me....well I am not at goal yet however I am down 70 lbs with all the inspiration, prayers, and guidance from everyone!

I can't imagine life without Shibboleth!
Even though I don't share as often as I used to, I'm still loving this lifestyle! It truly has become such a way of life for our family! I tend to have 5-6 holidays per month and still maintain the 40 pounds I lost!
I can't imagine life without Shibboleth!
The number 13 has always been my lucky number so it is very fitting that I would reach my 1st HUGE weight loss goal October 13th! Today 100 pounds are GONE forever!!! I can't even begin to explain how excited and how very proud I am of myself. This has been a VERY long journey. I wish I could say that it only took a year, but it actually took 4, but I can honestly say that I will NEVER go back to being the person I was!!!! I went from wearing a size 22/24 to a size 12 (and they are getting pretty loose) and from a size 2xl/3xl shirt to a m/l. I have only been on planet Shibboleth for 1 month, but I have lost 17 of those pounds in that month. I can honestly say that Shibboleth works because I had been at a stand still since December of last year and have been rocking it since September 10th! I am so happy my mom Ruth Linn Fouts bought me a membership for my birthday. ❤️I still have 24 more pounds to get to my ultimate goal but I know I will get there pretty quick with Shibboleth.

Today 100 pounds are GONE forever!!!

I hit my goal weight after trying and failing for more than 6 years. I have lost 53.75lbs since April, thanks to the Shibboleth lifestyle.
I never thought I would say this, but I DID IT! I hit my goal weight after trying and failing for more than 6 years. I have lost 53.75lbs since April, thanks to the Shibboleth lifestyle. I used to think that I was “stuck” and would never get out. I am so thankful to Shibboleth for helping me “get out”! I would not be where I am today without the Shibboleth lifestyle and the incredible support group that accompanies it!
We have four small children and lead very busy lifestyles. So when Michael had to have back surgery in December 2017 and the doctor said the surgery went well, but he had to lose weight, we knew we needed to do something. We attempted to eat better, but experienced the yo-yo effect for several months. When we started seeing friends have great results with the Shibboleth lifestyle, we decided to give it a try. We eat normal foods and even enjoy fudge pops or ice cream often which allows us to not feel deprived. We still have holidays, but don’t allow ourselves to always reside off the plan too long. I had a roughly 8 day stretch that I went off the plan. However, when I got back to perfect days, my weight quickly went back down within 2-3 days. Learning proper food combinations has helped us view eating in a different way, and is a lifestyle that we can maintain. Since June 1st we have lost a combined 80 lbs and dropped several clothes sizes. Michael is down 54 lbs and I am down 26 lbs…
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Since June 1st we have lost a combined 80 lbs and dropped several clothes sizes. Michael is down 54 lbs and I am down 26 lbs. He is only 5 lbs away from his lowest adult weight ever! I am at the lowest weight I have been since before having my four kids. We are so very thankful for the program!

I'm off 5 meds for my diabetes, which means I'm only on one now at the lowest dose.
This was me in May. My sugars were through the roof due to 4 doses of steroids from my doctor. I was sick and miserable BUT better than I had been 4 years ago so I considered myself ok. I was also in better health than my husband so I also considered myself ok. I bought the membership and sat on it for a few weeks unsure where to start. Took me a bit because I was focused on all of the reasons I couldn't do this or that. My family wouldn't eat it, my daughter doesn't eat x, my son is on keto, my husband hates...my mother-in-law won't ... you get the point?
I then woke up and decided enough was enough. No more excuses. I still didn't believe Shibboleth worked but I knew I couldn't say it didn't work if I didn't actually DO it.
Am I where I wanted to be by now? Nope. BUT I am so much better off now than I was just a few short months ago. I'm off 5 meds for my diabetes, which means I'm only on one now at the lowest dose. I was on the max do…
I am so grateful to my daughter for introducing me to Shibboleth. I had never done any kind of diet before because I already ate less and healthier than I had when I was younger, but I kept gaining weight over the years until I reached 195 pounds. I'm only 5'3" so that was quite a lot. I always knew that it would have to be all or nothing for me - I know my personality and I knew "cutting back" would not work. I have had a lot of health issues: rheumatoid arthritis, colon cancer, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, depression, and most recently I suddenly developed stage 3 kidney disease. Coke was my biggest hurdle to overcome because that was pretty much all I ever drank. As I watched my daughter do the program and saw that most of what she was eating was stuff I liked anyway I decided to set a start date and give it a shot. I set my goal at 150 because I never thought it would happen. I am now at 138 and still losing. My kidney function has increased substantially…
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I have gone from a size 16 to a size 6 with only changes in my diet, no exercise (although I need to bc now that I'm pretty thin, I want to tone up). When you first start it may seem overwhelming but once it clicks, you can just watch your clothes and the pounds fall off. I am so grateful. My husband now calls me "Slim"! Love it!

I’ve lost 37 lbs and have reached my happy weight! I'm enjoying maintenance with the Shibboleth lifestyle!
I have not been this size or weight since before I was married - that is 50 years ago! The first picture was taken about 2 weeks before I joined and the second one was in January. Although I hadn’t reached my goal weight it is quite significant! I’ve lost 37 lbs and have reached my happy weight! I'm enjoying maintenance with the Shibboleth lifestyle!
After almost giving up on losing weight, a dear friend had me go to a simple class that changed everything for the better! I'm now down 101 lbs and that is all thanks to the tools that I learned with this wonderful program! Shibboleth works!!!

I'm now down 101 lbs and that is all thanks to the tools that I learned with this wonderful program!

Here I am 3 months in and officially down 40lbs!!!
Everyone knows I have struggled with my weight for years....I did Adipex (fat dr in Hiram drugs) for years lost weight...found it again!! Did Plexus for 4 years and lost weight and found it again!!! In January I started Weight Watchers at 272 lbs and by June I was down to 258 lbs (slow but I lost!) All the things I’ve done in the past, I never learned what to eat to actually lose weight and keep it off!!! In May I decided that since my friends in church had done so well with Shibboleth, maybe I should try it!! So I signed up and went on vacation!! Lol got back home and started June 3 weighing 258 lbs!!! I was amazed at how simple this lifestyle was and amazed at what I was learning!!! Here I am 3 months in and officially down 40lbs!!! I eat so many different varieties of food I never knew to eat together. I have went from a 26 in pants and 3xl shirt to I’m in 16 pants and large in shirts!!! As I get ready to leave for another vacation, I am excited because of many reasons but one huge…
Shibboleth has changed my life! My wife and I joined Shibboleth on June 24th. Together we have lost 87 pounds in 82 days! I'm thankful for all of the encouragement we have received from our Shibboleth family! I'm now able to enjoy life with my wife and children like I did 20 years ago! God has the perfect plan for each of our lives! I'm thankful I found the "perfect pairing" Shibboleth and me!

Together we have lost 87 pounds in 82 days!

My doctor has told me I’m no longer pre-diabetic. All my blood work comes back normal and I was told I have the heart of an athlete. Woohoo!!
I began my Shibboleth journey July 1, 2015. I lost 125 lbs in a year and a half. Before I started, my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and would have diabetes when I came back in a month. She told me to start eating healthy. I didn’t know how to eat. I just prayed for the Lord to help me. He placed several people from my church to witness to me about their success. They invited me to a meeting and I decided to attend. All the way to the meeting I prayed, “Lord if this is what you want me to do you will have to slap me in the face with it and give me strength.” When I got to the meeting the Lord confirmed Shibboleth was what he wanted me to do! Everything my doctor was telling me Jason said in the meeting that night. I was like ok God I get it! I have never looked back. My doctor has told me I’m no longer pre-diabetic, all my blood work comes back normal, and I was told I have the heart of an athlete. WooHoo!! Who knew the foods I was eating could make me feel so bad. Now I feel great…
My husband Nick and I started Shibboleth on April 21st of this year. A friend had started the program and told us about it and I’m very glad she did! Since then, Nick has lost 80 pounds and I have lost 59. This life style change has helped us both so much and we are forever grateful to our Shibboleth family for helping us along the way!

Since then, Nick has lost 80 pounds and I have lost 59. This life style change has helped us both so much and we are forever grateful to our Shibboleth family for helping us along the way!

17 weeks later I reached my goal and have maintained a 48 pound weight loss for over a year now.
I have been overweight for most of my adult life. After I had my thyroid removed the weight gain just got worse. Every diet I tried never worked for me, so I would just give up. I have been lucky for the last few years to get to take care of my grandchildren. In 2016 I was so overweight taking care of them became harder so I started walking hoping for more energy. In October 2016 someone told me about Shibboleth and all I heard was blah, blah, blah. In December of 2016 I decided I was going to have to do something about my weight if I was going to be able to continue watching my grandchildren. On January 2 , 2017 I started Shibboleth and have never looked back. 17 weeks later I reached my goal and have maintained a 48 pound weight loss for over a year now. Shibboleth has taught me how to eat to live and stop living to eat. I am so grateful for all I've learned and know that I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.
I started my journey on May 14, 2018 at 211 pounds. I had a stent place the previous December and I knew I had run out of excuses. I was already exercising and I knew that would be to my advantage. I was referred to the program by Dr Rebecca Holden who is a good friend and great Chiropractor in my area. We worked and attempted to lose weight together but both of us struggled. I spoke with her in May and she told me about Shibboleth and that she had lost a lot of weight on it. I joined the next day with a coworker and we never looked back.
I set a short term goal of 40 lbs by November 1st then changed it to Oct 1st because I was doing so well. Now I’m just 3 lbs away and it’s barely September...
This program and the support system is amazing and I am proud to be a part of this huge and growing family!

I set a short term goal of 40 lbs by November 1st then changed it to Oct 1st because I was doing so well. Now I’m just 3 lbs away and it’s barely September...

Shibboleth has changed my way of eating and my way of thinking. Not only do I want to look good but I want to be healthy and feel good!!
My journey started at 215 lbs and I had struggled with loosing my weight for years. My mom asked me if I wanted to join Shibboleth with her, so I did. At first, my goal was to lose for my sons wedding that year. I wanted to look better for him and for myself so I started. I lost 60 lbs that year. My journey is still in progress. On my 2nd Anniversary of joining Shibboleth, I have set a goal to reach 140 pounds. Shibboleth has changed my way of eating and my way of thinking. Not only do I want to look good but I want to be healthy and feel good!! So today, I’m at 154.6 lbs.
I was at my heaviest last year, weighing the same that I did (if not a little more) as when I delivered my daughter in 2004 and I was miserable! I had tried every program out there – low carb, low fat, Weight Watchers, Trim Healthy Mama and NutriSystem just to name a few and while they would work for the first couple of weeks not one of them were lifestyles that I could actually maintain long term resulting in me gaining back any weight lost and then some. I went to see my doctor last year and happened to chat with his nurse after she weighed me about how none of the programs I had tried worked and that I was at a complete loss – in enters Shibboleth! I made a bet with my doctor that I could lose 30 lbs in a year – he took the bet and I left scared to death but thankfully his nurse had written www.myshibboleth.com down on a sticky note for me. I signed up in July 2017 but didn’t really start the plan until around October or November 2017. I lost 15 lbs right off the bat and then plate…
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My doctor was floored when I saw him two weeks ago – he didn’t believe I could even come close to 30 lbs and ended up being just 5 lbs shy of the goal.

I lost 63 lbs and my husband Tony lost 62 lbs.
I am a member since Feb 2017 and began maintenance on October 2017. I lost 63 lbs and my husband Tony lost 62 lbs. We are still maintaining the listed weight loss.
I started Shibboleth in February! I have been on countless diets in the past. Some worked and some didn't. With Shibboleth I have changed my eating lifestyle and it's amazing! I'm healthy, have so much energy, and just feel great in my jeans lol. Thank you to my Shibboleth family for your advice and support. Bless the name of the Lord.

With Shibboleth I have changed my eating lifestyle and it's amazing! I'm healthy, have so much energy, and just feel great in my jeans lol.

I am down almost 60 pounds and feeling great.
For most of my life I have been overweight. I have had some success losing weight and getting lean especially when I was in the Air Force. I have always tried to maintain a certain threshold only to find that over time I broke that threshold time and time again. I had family members who were quite a bit overweight and I had to struggle just to maintain. Over the last 4 years, I have had some of those family members have serious medical problems. A little over 3 years ago my dad had to go for emergency hernia surgery. Because of his high blood pressure and sugar his body could not recover and he passed away. Some time after that my uncle had problems related to diabetes and heart trauma. I knew it was time for a change or I was headed in the same direction. I found Shibboleth about 6-8 months ago but I was skeptical and thought it was just another diet. The kind where I had seen success before but what would be different this time. My wife and I joined on June 4, 2018 and I immediately…
I joined Shibboleth and landed on the planet on April 16th at a weight of 260 lbs. I’m 50 years old a little over four months later and I’ve lost 70 pounds! Im only 20 pounds from my goal for a total of 90 pounds to lose. Best decision i have ever made!

I’m 50 years old a little over four months later and I’ve lost 70 pounds!

I started this program 4/30/18 and as of today I have lost 50 lbs!!!!!!! I honestly never imagined this would be possible!!!
For my whole life I have struggled with my weight. I’ve tried every diet program there is and did good at first but then would gain it all back. I’ve even tried diet pills and would lose weight but once I stopped I gained it all back and plus some!! I had heard about Shibboleth a few years ago but just shrugged it off and figured it would be just like every other thing I have tried and not try!!!
Man I was wrong!!!!
I started this program 4/30/18 and as of today I have lost 50 lbs!!!!!!! I honestly never imagined this would be possible!!! I can not thank God and Shibboleth enough for helping me through this!!! I still have more weight to lose but I know I will get there!!!
I went back to school in 2016 and knew it was going to be a tough 1.5 years. What I didn’t know was that I’m an emotional eater. I gained up to 220 pounds. I knew I needed to lose weight but I felt I needed to get through school first. After graduation I found the “Planet”.
My Why is my son John, who is disabled and my career choice. I’m now a licensed massage therapist and can’t have my big ole gut bumping into the client as I massage.
My first weigh in was at 210.8 pounds on June 3rd. I’m now at 178.6 pounds and feel fantastic. It’s amazing at the energy I have now. I’m so thankful I’ve found Shibboleth. Taking back my life and loving it!!

My first weigh in was at 210.8 pounds on June 3rd. I’m now at 178.6 pounds and feel fantastic. It’s amazing at the energy I have now. I’m so thankful I’ve found Shibboleth. Taking back my life and loving it!!

I am currently down roughly 55 lbs - by way of the Shibboleth plan - and counting, loving myself all the way. I started in a 22/24 and I'm now in a 14/16.
I heard about Shibboleth from a friend and former co-worker about 2 years ago. At which time, I was in the process of researching weight loss surgery because I had had enough. I had just come off of a 7 day liquids only fast (which was church related) and I felt in my spirit this question.. ' why can you do this for me and not for yourself '. Not too many days after that, I reached out to my friend by way of Facebook and inquired how she was losing her weight. The rest is history. The answer to that question came several months later through a friend who answered by saying, " because we don't love ourselves. "
I am currently down roughly 55 lbs - by way of the Shibboleth plan - and counting, loving myself all the way. I started in a 22/24 and I'm now in a 14/16. Although I have not reached my personal final goal yet, I know I will because this plan is foolproof as long as it is followed. Shibboleth was truly a God send for me and I know it has blessed oth…
I started Shibboleth in January of this year for the second time. I let “life” get in the way of my goal last time but this year I wasn’t letting anything get in my way!
Shibboleth saved my life!
From feeling depressed, unable to fit into any of my clothes and feeling no self worth at my downest moment, I found Shibboleth again.
I went to meetings. I had so much help and support from the staff and also members from Shibboleth. Without all of them, I don’t think I could have done it!
My weight on January 8th 2018 (the day I started back) was 189.8 and today I weigh 133.6.
I’ve lost 56.2 pounds just since January and that to me is absolutely amazing!
I love my Shibboleth. It’s not just a “diet” to me, it’s definitely my way of life now.

I’ve lost 56.2 pounds just since January and that to me is absolutely amazing! I love my Shibboleth. It’s not just a “diet” to me, it’s definitely my way of life now.

Shibboleth has given me my life back, I am no longer sitting on the sidelines, I am living and participating in each day! I have lost more than 50 lbs, stopped taking 2 medications and have gone from a size 18/20 to 8.
When I look at the before pictures I see the emptiness on the outside I was feeling on the inside. I was sitting on the sidelines watching life pass me by because I was so unhappy and uncomfortable in my own skin. I missed out on so many activities and events choosing instead to stay home with my best friend, FOOD.
I sought out the comfort of food when I was lonely, stressed, sad and treated eating as a social activity. I have had weight problem since I was a child and living in a small town in the Northeast I ended up being the target of some very cruel classmates. I moved to Florida and ended up putting on more weight as I stressed about being away from home and felt more out of place in a hot climate that lives in shorts and bathing suits. What did I do? Turned to food, for me it was a vicious cycle of being depressed because of my weight and turning to food to feel better.
I hit my highest weight of 249 and decided to once again try to take of the weight for my own happiness and h…
So my story is a crazy and long story but seeing myself in this picture makes me cry. Happy tears for sure. The struggle has been real. I've been a yo-yo dieter for the past 20 years. I'm great at losing 20 to 25 lbs but then stop and gain that and then some right back. Well in 2017 I got really sick. It was a terrible year for me. In and out of the hospital. Diagnosed with Graves' Disease, gallbladder surgery, some female surgeries, and ended the year in a huge hypo state having to have my thyroid removed and found out I had thyroid cancer. Well I was at my highest weight EVER. I'm only 4'10 so my weight just sits on me and shows everywhere. At 218 pounds, I had enough and was miserable. In January of 2018 some of my friends had told me about Shibboleth at work and they have had great results and look and feel amazing so I began my journey on the planet on Jan 22nd and haven't looked back. I am down 52 lbs and tons of inches lost. I've gone from a 1…
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I am down 52 lbs and tons of inches lost. I've gone from a 18/20, 1x to 2x in clothing sizes to a size 12/large and I am NOT stopping.

I've lost 105 pounds and gained confidence and a love for life and adventure. I no longer hide behind my weight and let food live my life for me. I finally loved myself enough to fight for me.
I have always been a hefty gal, struggling with my weight, being made fun of in school for it and dealing with depression my whole life. After a marriage, baby, divorce, and remarry I let myself go even more. I tried everything and nothing stuck. I would always say I don't know why I can't lose weight as I was stuffing my face. Making excuses all the time but never finding or being able to stick to a "diet".
A co worker from my job introduced me to Thrive with Travis Martin. She really didn't want to tell me about it because she felt like all I wanted was the quick answer and not to learn how she got the answer to my problem, which she was right. So, a year goes by and I finally get on board to learn the program.
I wanted to be able to lose weight without keeping up with points, taking pills, getting shots, counting calories, or diets that I couldn’t even pronounce the foods of in the plans. I wanted to be able to lose weight healthily and with foods I eat eve…
My body has seen some ups and down over the years, 4 babies will do that I suppose, of course I wouldn’t change it for the world. They are some of the sweetest blessings in this life.
This last year has been a different kind of year though. One that had caused me to pack on the pounds. Everything in our life changed, States, schools, job situations, and yes even foods. Moving to a different part of the country completely changed the way we ate. I ate out more due to the moving process, I stress ate, I ate to experience all the different foods of our new area. The weight I was gaining started to physically take a toll on me. My sciatica had gotten so severe, it was even painful to walk. I wanted to feel better and be healthier, but felt stuck. I knew about Shibboleth. Tons of my friends did Shibboleth, but I didn’t think it could be for someone like me with the only 20-30 pounds to lose. Then, Mother’s Day weekend, as I was scrolling FB I saw the results of my long distance best friend…

20 lbs gone and I feel better and my sciatica is completely gone. I WANT to do this forever. I love it and I am so thankful for it!

I have lost about 85 pounds! I feel better than I ever have before.
I was 247 pounds and I realized that I needed to do something. I started Shibboleth! Since late October/early November 2016, I have lost about 85 pounds. I feel better than I ever have before. This program is just amazing!
Picture on left was 4 years ago at 205 Pounds. Picture on right last week at 140 pounds. I started Shibboleth 8 months ago. I was at 197 Pounds then. I had tried all kinds of diets before I would lose a little then gain it back then lose and gain it back. This program teaches you how to lose and keep it off. I was hesitant about starting it because I am such a picky eater and i doubted myself that I would stick to it. But I was determined this time. I was also motivated by all the other success stories. Shoutout and thank you to Travis Martian and all the Shibboleth team for all the encouragement.

Shoutout and thank you to Travis Martian and all the Shibboleth team for all the encouragement!

I have a Savior that loves me and placed in my spirit a desire to find the answers that ultimately led me to my home planet Shibboleth. 102 lbs gone!! Very grateful!!
Being morbidly obese affects every area of a person's life. It affects you whether awake or trying to sleep. It’s the first thing you think about when you rise and the last before you go to bed. Obesity affects your energy which spills over into job, relationships, care and maintenance of your personal environment. It affects how you are perceived by the world and, (more importantly), how you perceive yourself.
I used to get angry with people who wrote me off because of my weight, but I think I can understand that it’s scary trying to care for someone who doesn’t care for themselves.
Anyway, I’ve struggled with my weight for 33 years. If you told me I could right this ship in 7 months eating better than I ever have I would have said you are nuts, but that’s what happened! Did I give up carbs? No!! Did I give up meat? No!!! Did I give up deserts? I heck no!!!!
Shibboleth taught me simply how, when, and what to eat. If I gave you particulars it might make you think of some magic bul…
I have struggled with my weight my entire life, even overweight as a kid. Shibboleth made weight loss easy for the first time ever, helping me lose 50 lbs. It was a long journey of many different kinds of diets before I found Shibboleth, so I was finally at a point where I was truly ready to make this work and stick! I still have more I want to lose, but I am finally at the lowest weight I have ever been as an adult. I like what I see when I look in the mirror these days!

Shibboleth made weight loss easy for the first time ever, helping me lose 50 lbs.

Today I am off my meds for everything. Today I am at 172 pounds! I still have about 30 to go, but I know with God's help and Shibboleth I will make it.
Last year I was at the end of my rope for weight loss. I need to lose weight so I could have hernia surgery. I was over 276 pounds and headed for weight loss surgery. My regular doctor begged me not to have the surgery and as it turns out after starting the process my insurance said they would not help pay in anyway for it. At the time I was really angry because I had been told on 3 occasions that they would completely pay for the surgery. I was mad and at the time could not see the blessing God was giving me. My husband came home and told me about this guy he works with that lost a lot of weight quickly ( and this was important because I needed to have my surgery before December 31, 2017), He told me this man was doing Shibboleth. This is ironic because the year before I had gone on a grocery store tour but it was short and I feel not done as well as they are now. I told my husband this is the program I told you about and you didn't feel it was worth it. He had changed his mind.…
I can’t say enough good things about Shibboleth! I joined at the end of April 2017.
I was 53 years old, 5’1”, 189 pounds, two hip replacements, two bad knees and arthritis...I was miserable!
I’ve lost 67 pounds following the Shibboleth lifestyle, with NO exercise.
I’m so thankful for all the support and encouragement that the Shibboleth team provides! I encourage anyone out there struggling to lose weight to give this program a try. It will change your life!

I’ve lost 67 pounds following the Shibboleth lifestyle, with NO exercise.
I’m so thankful for all the support and encouragement that the Shibboleth team provides!

I am finally in my healthy range for my height and so happy to feel good in my skin and clothes! Bless the name of the Lord!!!
I am so thankful to God for Shibboleth! This ministry has changed my life! After losing 45 pounds, my daily life has improved greatly! Imagine taking 4 ten pound bags of potatoes and carrying them around ALL DAY LONG. That's how much weight (and then some) that I carried around every single day before Shibboleth. I struggled with back pain, knee pain, fitting in chairs, shopping for clothing that fit... Food addiction had taken over my life. But by God's grace and the help and encouragement of the Shibboleth team, I have overcome! I am finally in my healthy range for my height and so happy to feel good in my skin and clothes! Bless the name of the Lord!!!
My youngest child was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy in January 2014 when she was just 15 months old. After which, I became severely depressed. I coped by eating and ended up gaining close to 80 pounds. Over the course of the last 4 years, I have tried so many other diets, pills and weight loss programs and could never get beyond 5 days in before completely giving up. Then, I found Shibboleth. I am 6 months in now and down 60 pounds. I still have a little ways to go before reaching my goal weight but without Shibboleth, this wouldn’t have been possible. I have gone from a size 20 down to a size 10 in just 6 months.

I am 6 months in now and down 60 pounds. I still have a little ways to go before reaching my goal weight but without Shibboleth, this wouldn’t have been possible. I have gone from a size 20 down to a size 10 in just 6 months.

I thank God everyday for Shibboleth. I have come off of diabetes medication and I’m finally at a healthy weight. I am down 58 pounds and I’m happy!
I starting gaining weight when my mother was dying. Food became my best friend, comfort and I turned to it for peace. I now know that Jesus is the only answer to all the needs I was trying to get from food.
I’ve struggled for 35 years to lose weight, only to feel like a failure every time. I became an insulin dependent diabetic, along with pills to manage my blood sugar. When my friend told me about this program, I knew it was my answer, especially since it is Scripture based. I thank God everyday for Shibboleth. I have come off of diabetes medication and I’m finally at a healthy weight. I am down 58 pounds and I’m happy!
I was overweight and my cholesterol was out of control. I just couldn't get it down below 200. I was introduced to Shibboleth by a co-worker in November 2016. I have lost 40 lbs & have kept it off for over a year now. I've been off cholesterol meds for over 6 months. Shibboleth works & I am living proof. Thanks to my Shibboleth family & friends I have made on my journey.

I have lost 40 lbs & have kept it off for over a year now. I've been off cholesterol meds for over 6 months. Shibboleth works & I am living proof.

I have been following the lifestyle for the last 2 1/2 years and it has absolutely been life changing! In just the first 6 months, I came off all medicines for PCOS and high blood pressure.
I've struggled with my weight all of my life and Shibboleth finally taught me the skills to make a true lifestyle change. I have been following the lifestyle for the last 2 1/2 years and it has absolutely been life changing! In just the first 6 months, I came off all medicines for PCOS and high blood pressure. After losing over 100 lbs, I basically maintained for the last year but I've recently adjusted my portions and incorporated exercise and I'm back on my way to my goal weight!
I started on the Shibboleth lifestyle Mar. 16, 2016 weighing 284.4 pounds. I was on 3 blood pressure pills, statins, cholesterol medications and pre-diabetic. On Sept. 14, 2017 I weighted 157.4 for a loss of 127 lbs. I have been in maintenance now for10 months. Shibboleth is a wonderful lifestyle and one that I can live with the rest of my life. I’m off of all of the medications that I was taking when I started and am no longer in danger of getting diabetes. The best thing about Shibboleth is I’m closer to God than ever and I love me! Some people don’t like me like I am and I’m ok with that because this is the person I am and the person who has been hidden behind all that weight!
Travis Martin and Jason Whitener have been and continue to be an inspiration to me. All of the Shibboleth team are amazing and do a great job of mentoring us. Thank you all for all you do! I couldn’t have done it without you all.
More than anyone I want to Bless the Name of the Lord for being with me on m…
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I love Shibboleth so much that I am now teaching a class at my church to help others have the same success I have had!
My classes are every Monday night, weigh in @ 6-6:30 and the class from 6:30-7:30 pm.
Everyone is welcome and your first class is free!!
Christ First Church
1008 N. Beaumont Rd.
Ringgold, Ga 30736
Come and check us out!!!!

This LIFESTYLE works! It's not a short term fix, you will use these tools for the rest of your life. I'm down a total of 68 lbs.
I joined Shibboleth in February of 2017. I weighed 219 lbs and that was after losing 9 lbs using what little I knew about the program, which was basically cut out sugars and drink water.
After I joined and got the hang of the program, I lost 10 lbs my first month. In April 2017, my nephew had a heart transplant and I slipped. I didn't really gain weight, but I wasn't losing either.
I finally got myself back on track and watched the scales go down almost daily. I still have days where I eat whatever, but no where near like I did. I find I no longer even want sugary or greasy foods very often. Almost never on sugary foods.
I have tried every "diet" and if I lost any, I always gained it back and then some. This LIFESTYLE works! It's not a short term fix, you will use these tools for the rest of your life. I'm down a total of 68 lbs. From 228 to 160. I still have a little ways to go, but I'm not worried about it because I know exactly how to get to my final goal.
First let me say, this lifestyle will change your life if you let it!!! I was weighing my heaviest ever. My blood pressure was running 189/110 most of the time. On Jan. 4, 2018, I had finally had enough. I couldn’t find clothes to fit and was just miserable. This program is a God send!!! By April 4, I had lost 43 pounds and a total of 51 inches. Now almost 7 months later, I am down 75 lbs and 69 1/2 inches. I go to the gym now 6 days a week. I feel so much better about myself. Last month, My Dr. took me off blood pressure medicine. I only take vitamins now. Blood pressure says 114/72. If you will work this program, it will work for you. Find your why and remind yourself everyday of it. Ask questions if your not sure. This is your family, so let us help. I am so thankful to God, my friend who accidentally posted on open forum and my Shibboleth family.

This program is a God send!!! By April 4, I had lost 43 pounds and a total of 51 inches. Now almost 7 months later, I am down 75 lbs and 69 1/2 inches.

I cried when there was no longer a 2 at the being of my weight!
I have 3 boys and had them in a 5 year period. Once I would have a baby, I would never really lose the weight before I got pregnant again. Fast forward 10 years and I was at the heaviest I had ever been. I weighed 236 lbs. I went to my nephews birthday party and was talking with a friend and she had lost 40 lbs on Shibboleth. She told me how much she loved it and I told her that as long as my pants fit I was fine being fat and happy. Well, come end of July when I needed to get ready for back to school, I am a special needs paraprofessional, my pants didn’t fit. I had to go out and buy a size up in pants. None of my clothes fit so I started thinking of going back on Plexus. My mom fell and broke her hip and was in the hospital for 3 weeks, she has smoked all her life and had major complications with her breathing. She ended up passing away on August 26th at the age of 59. She would have been 60 in December. That was my breaking point. I didn’t want my boys to lose their mom so young. I…
I started Shibboleth in June 2016 when I saw the amazing results my sister in law was getting after only 4 weeks on Shibboleth. I have severe osteoarthritis in one knee which had gotten so bad I could hardly walk and with my family health history and blood work numbers, I knew I was headed for even more health trouble if I didn't do something about my weight and nutrition. When I started Shibboleth, I was restricted by my doctor to minimal activity for the first 5 weeks due to some Euflexxa injections I was getting in my knee so not only was I not exercising, but I was also sitting and resting my knee ALOT. Despite this, I lost 17 lbs my first month and a total of 54 lbs in a 5 1/2 month period, surpassing my weight loss goal. As a bonus, my cholesterol, triglycerides, and liver enzymes all returned to a normal range after being elevated for 13 years. My husband, who was not able to carry me across the threshold when we were married more than 20 years ago, can now carry me around…
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I lost 17 lbs my first month and a total of 54 lbs in a 5 1/2 month period, surpassing my weight loss goal. As a bonus, my cholesterol, triglycerides, and liver enzymes all returned to a normal range after being elevated for 13 years.

Now over 5 years later it’s still saving my life. Maintaining over 100 pounds of fat loss has been so easy with Shibboleth I tell everyone.
I remember the day this before picture was taken. I was at a convention and I spent most of the day sitting down because I was so tired from walking from one room to another. Being 6’6” tall and 325 lbs hurt my back and knees, not to mention it cost a lot to feed my face constantly...
Shibboleth saved my life!
Now over 5 years later it’s still saving my life. Maintaining over 100 pounds of fat loss has been so easy with Shibboleth I tell everyone.
If I can do it SO CAN YOU!!!!!
From the days that I was in the 450 lbs range to when I started Shibboleth to Saturday’s weigh in at 227 lbs ...Thank God for my new Shibboleth lifestyle!!!! Bless the name of the Lord at all times!

Thank God for my new Shibboleth lifestyle!

Because of Shibboleth I am off all Novalog insulin, all oral diabetic medications and all but 1/2 dose of a blood pressure medication. Thank you Shibboleth!
I started the Shibboleth journey on April 19, 2017. At the time, I weighed 283.8 pounds. I set a goal to lose 50 pounds. But to be totally honest, when I started Shibboleth I was not sure that I would actually finish this journey. But thankfully my wife, Rachel, came alongside me to help make this happen.
Long story short, I reached my goal of 50 pounds on 8/22/17. I continued to lose and reached 221.2 pounds on 11/7/17. My weight has fluctuated between 221 and 229 since then. I have never felt like I was deprived or starving. I have truly learned a new way of eating.
Because of Shibboleth I am off all Novalog insulin, all oral diabetic medications and all but 1/2 dose of a blood pressure medication. Thank you Shibboleth!
This is a lifestyle that you can really use the rest of your life!
In April 2017, I chose to start the Shibboleth lifestyle to be an encouragement for my husband and because I knew I would need to understand how it worked so that I could help with meal preparation and planning. But I also wanted to lose weight myself. Most people probably didn't think I needed to lose any weight but over the last few years I knew I didn't feel good, didn't have any energy and didn't like the way I looked. The weight had continued to creep up and I couldn't seem to get control of my eating habits. I originally set a weight loss goal of 25 pounds but my body stabilized with a 35 pound loss which was reached in 4 months. I would encourage others to attend class weekly and listen to the Daily Doses and videos which are so important for success. I am so thankful to have found Shibboleth, not only for my husband but for me too.

I am so thankful to have found Shibboleth, not only for my husband but for me too.

After a very short time I was finally getting the results that I had strived to get from so many other programs and for over the last 37 years!!
Has anyone else been “eating healthy” and exercising only to see your weight and inches increase each year? Well that was me. After several health issues and seeing my weight on the doctor’s chart as obese, I decided to take control of my own health but to no avail. I kept gaining instead of losing and not feeling any better. For the last 4 years of eating what other health experts deemed as healthy I still was gaining!
Then I saw two women that I knew and one had lost 100+ pounds in a very short time and her sister lost over 40 lbs! I knew it was an answer to my desperate prayers! But as a skeptic I figured I’d give it a month to prove it either right or wrong! I did everything that was taught and followed the program daily. After a very short time I was finally getting the results that I had strived to get from so many other programs and for over the last 37 years!! Now after just 23 weeks I’ve lost 34.7 pounds and so many inches. Gone down from size 16-18 to a very baggy size 10!! …
I started Shibboleth on Dec. 27th 2016. I had reached the end of the rope. I had reached a STAGGERING 470 lbs! I knew I didn't have much longer to live. I was miserable. Eating was getting out of control. I had a size 64 waist, 4x-5x shirts. I was embarrassed to go out in the public especially restaurants. I could barely squeeze into a booth; some I couldn't. People stared, felt like crying. I was READY TO GIVE UP!!
I parked my car in the Shibboleth parking lot. Scared to go in. Crying in the car, called the ladies inside the center. They talked to me, and I finally went in. When I walked in, I felt the love from the ladies. I felt different. I can't explain the feeling. I started the program THAT DAY. I DID NOT say let me think about it. People say it's hard to understand, it's confusing, different things. It took me a few days but i NEVER said it was hard or confusing. I was DETERMINED! We can do anything as long as we let GOD take over and we follow Him, not…

I actually lost 210 lbs in 47 weeks. That's 5 weeks before my first year! I was in maintenance before my 1 year anniversary.

I was so happy to lose 80 pounds and get to my goal weight in less than a year.
I love Shibboleth!
Shibboleth is the only weight loss program where I have been able to lose weight, get to my goal, and maintain.
I was so happy to lose 80 pounds and get to my goal weight in less than a year. I had tried so many different programs and to exercise the weight off with little success. I have been amazed at how easy and doable Shibboleth has been for myself and so many of my friends.
It is so exciting to see so many people have so much weight loss through Shibboleth!
You can change your life too!
This isn't your traditional success story. As a matter of fact I am still battling the food demon. I have not won but I am winning. Late October of 2016 my wife Phyllis came to me with a new idea she saw on FB where people were losing weight. I pushed back not really wanting to hear about it. She was persistent in wanting us to try. In early November I took a look and told her okay. The whole time I was thinking this was going to be another treadmill that we would be hanging clothes on so to speak. We ordered it and started the program, of all times, the week before Thanksgiving. You know the holiday of food!!!!! LOL
Anyway after a week I had lost 10 pounds without really trying. I was amazed. You see I was 403 pounds at my heaviest. For months I tried to lose weight and was only able to lose 10 pounds. So from their I made it to Christmas and was still losing weight. So we continued this journey together for a year and I lost an amazing 140 pounds. Phyllis lost 60. So this year w…

I can't thank Travis Martin enough for answering Jesus' calling to create Shibboleth. I cannot thank Sasha, you and the entire Shibboleth team for the support and guidance to make this lifestyle fun and family orientated for all.

I've lost weight over 100 lbs in less than 8 months with this amazing new lifestyle.
I've lost weight over 100 lbs in less than 8 months with this amazing new lifestyle. I didn't have prescription weight loss medication, no surgical procedures and the only real exercise I had was on my plate, my meals were my exercise!
I'm not one to promote things unless I truly believe in it. Shibboleth is definitely worthy of this small shout out! If you need to lose weight, whether it be a little or a lot and have a willing and wanting heart you can and will have great success with Shibboleth!
It's very affordable and you can get all you need to succeed from your local grocery store!
It's really so much more than just a weight loss program. Shibboleth taught me how to keep the weight off too. I’ve kept my weight off now for over 6 months!
When I started Shibboleth in January of 2017, I was 285.4, after struggling to lose 30 pounds the year before. I have been overweight most of my life, teased as a child, undermined as an adult. As of March of 2018, I was at 173.2. Not quite at my goal weight and still working at it with more exercise and this wonderful lifestyle. My personal goal and dream would be to look like an athlete and I will someday. We got to have a vision (Prov. 29:18), and there is none too small or too big for God to help you reach it. Could have never done this without Him and Shibboleth. He gave Travis the knowledge to create this wonderful program and us the power to endure it. I love this lifestyle and will continue on this journey for as long as possible.

We got to have a vision (Prov. 29:18), and there is none too small or too big for God to help you reach it. Could have never done this without Him and Shibboleth.

With Shibboleth I’ve learned how to have portion control and combine foods so that I can lose weight. I reached my goal of 167 pounds on June 22nd.
I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. I lived like a yo-yo until after I had my son and then my weight kept going up. A close friend of mine told me about Shibboleth and I began my journey on January 10th of this year weighing 217 pounds. With Shibboleth I’ve learned how to have portion control and combine foods so that I can lose weight. I reached my goal of 167 pounds on June 22nd. Now that I’ve reached my goal I continue with the plan by doing maintenance and staying within 5 pounds of my goal. Loving my Shibboleth lifestyle and family.
I have been obese most of my adult life and my health was deteriorating fast. I had a heart attack back in 2016 and only got bigger. I was essentially waiting to die. God put Shibboleth in my line of sight and through his love and the guidance of Jason and Cindy in Dalton and the best support group ever in my fellow classmates like Buddy and Cleo and my family I am now living more like I want to live and feel like I did twenty years ago. All medication has been taken away by my doctor and I have hope for each and every day now. My grand-babies will know who I really am and my wife and daughter get more than the tired old man I was becoming. God bless Travis and Shibboleth for giving my life back to me. January 14th starting weight 389. July 7th 271.4 lbs. To date my total weight loss is 117.6 lbs with 42.25 inches lost overall.

God bless Travis and Shibboleth for giving my life back to me. January 14th starting weight 389. July 7th 271.4 lbs. To date my total weight loss is 117.6 lbs with 42.25 inches lost overall.

This lifestyle has helped us make the necessary changes to live fuller and healthier lives all while blessing the name of the Lord. We are so thankful for this ministry. It has been 5 months since we began and we have lost a combined 120 lb. (77 for him and 43 for me so far).
Just wanted to share a bit of our story/journey (so far)... we hope it is an encouragement.
Around Christmas time we went out for breakfast just the 2 of us. I noticed when we walked in the door that Chris was holding a spreadsheet... which, if you know Chris wasn't odd for him to have a spreadsheet... but, I thought it was strange he was bringing it to breakfast and I was a little nervous to ask him about it. After we ordered he pulled it out and placed it in front of me and told me it was his retirement plan. He had done it by year from this point in time all the way to 20 years out. He was explaining it all to me and then he kind of stopped with a "but"... and what came next changed everything. "But, this hinges on me working for the next 20 years... and I'm not sure I'll live that long if we don't make some changes." His last physical didn't go so well. He didn't feel good. He was tired all the time. And if I was being honest I wa…
When I first heard about Shibboleth, I have to be completely honest, as a woman over 40, I was very skeptical that it would actually work. I just didn't believe it would. I didn't struggle with my weight as a child or as a teen, it began in my 20's and gradually got worse. But I honestly thought I could handle it. I could lose it whenever I wanted to. So, I didn't worry about it. I did what I wanted to do. Lived how I wanted to live and ate whatever I wanted, when I wanted, how much I wanted. I over indulged, for sure. Now, fast forward about 25 years. July, 2017. I was 44 years old, pre diabetic and on BP meds since 2014. I knew there was a problem, nobody had to tell me. I knew I was fat, nobody had to tell me. I knew it!!
I had tried so many other programs to get the weight off. The problem quickly became, KEEPING the weight off. Nothing was designed as a lifestyle to keep the weight off so the so-called "fix" was literally temporary. I got sick of the…

That was the best $99 I have ever spent and would spend it over and over again.
Shibboleth is NOT hard. Being fat was hard, hard on me and hard on my family.
If someone like me, with an obese riddled family background (on both sides) can face the diet devil head on and fight it tooth and nail and lose 126 lbs in 10 months, anyone can.
Shibboleth is easy.

I started Shibboleth in June 2015 245.8 lbs. Lost 83 lbs in 6 months concentrating on fastest weight loss combinations, very little holidays, as many challenges as I could do. I was successful.
Can a person do Shibboleth and lose weight? ABSOLUTELY! Can a person adopt Shibboleth as a lifestyle, not a diet, and keep it off? ABSOLUTELY!
I’m proof to that theory. I started Shibboleth in June 2015 245.8 lbs. Lost 83 lbs in 6 months concentrating on fastest weight loss combinations, very little holidays, as many challenges as I could do. I was successful.
April 30, 2018 I had put on 25 lbs. I was mad at myself, shocked and most of all determined that this was not happening to me. I’ve been an active shabby for 3 years I just got lazy. Well it was an eye opener for me. So what did a good shibby do? I Started a challenge to get me back on track. I did Zero Drag started May 1st until May 28. Lost 6.6 lbs. Then Travis came out with the 21D21F21P. Well I jumped on that. I decided I was going to make my 25 lb goal by July 15th so I did back to back 42 days straight. I concentrated on the Blow Torch Weight Loss and ate very lean. Well, final weigh in this morning, down total 18.4 lbs …
Started the lifestyle on January 16 2018. I am now in maintenance and have lost a total of 64.4 pounds! Starting weight was 244.4. I now weigh 180 pounds. I always had the want to. This program showed me how to. Thank you to my entire Shibboleth family. Special shout out to Angela Maltz, Joe Hite, Bee Shibboleth, Sasha Martin, Brooklyn Martin Shibboleth, Sandy and Carmen for all of the continued support.

I am now in maintenance and have lost a total of 64.4 pounds!

I am still maintaining SIXTY pounds weight loss (I lost 60 pounds in 6 months and have maintained since) ....even through the holidays!!!
It’s my ONE YEAR Shibboleth-versary Shibblings!
What an amazing planet we live on....one where your hopes and dreams regarding weight loss can be reality.
I am still maintaining SIXTY pounds weight loss (I lost 60 pounds in 6 months and have maintained since) ....even through the holidays!!!
I have my holidays....sometimes even hog trough holidays....but having the knowledge to string together those perfect days for EFB leave no cause for concern.
Thanks again Joney Garrett for sharing ❤️❤️❤️
I have truly been blessed!
Bless the name of the Lord! I made it to my goal weight today! Down 63 pounds since April 2017. A big thank you to Travis and Sasha, and everyone on Planet Shibboleth for all the support and encouragement. I love this Shibboleth lifestyle!

Bless the name of the Lord! I made it to my goal weight today! Down 63 pounds since April 2017.

100 lbs gone forever!! Loving my life!!
I have been part of the Shibboleth family since Aug. 26, 2017. I have struggled with being over weight my whole life. I tried just about every diet, every fad that I came across, but never really stuck to anything. Over the last 12-15 years, things have come up in my life that caused me to put myself and my health on the back burner. Never realizing that until I gave myself 100% I was never really giving anyone else my all either. That all changed in August. My beautiful, wonderful sister, Sarah Tejada introduced me to the beginning of the rest of my life! #Shibboleth! I couldn't be more grateful for this life changing lifestyle!! EVERYTHING has changed...for the better!
Thank you, Travis, Sasha, Brooklyn, and all the Shibboleth staff who have taught and encouraged me in my weight loss journey. Before was taken 1 1/2 years ago and the after image was taken last night.

WOW, is all I can say!!

It’s almost been a year since I was delivered from depression and I’m so thankful for the grace and love of God! He wants YOU!! He Loves YOU!!
Y’all, this is what happens when you get delivered from depression and the Holy Spirit ignites a passion in you!! You go from lazy, depressed, worried, unhealthy, unhappy to joyful, grateful, powerful, faithful, healthy and HAPPY! I’m so glad where I am right now. I literally want to run around and sing the praises of the Lord. BECAUSE HE IS GREATER THAN he who is in the world! And Satan cannot and will not have a hold on my life!
Guys, I started this journey in a tight 22W shorts. I was shocked I was that big but I had no idea cause all I wore was leggings until the beach trip last March. I let myself go. Well I’m SO excited to say that yesterday, I went and tried on some shorts and AHHHHHH I’m wearing a SIZE 10!!!!! I’ve never been in a Size 10! You can see the excitement on my face. My goal size has been an 8 but at this rate, ya never know I might see a size 6 in my future!

Well I’m SO excited to say that yesterday, I went and tried on some shorts and AHHHHHH I’m wearing a SIZE 10!!!!! I’ve never been in a size 10!

So thankful to God and Shibboleth! This lifestyle is the best way to live!❤
On February 15th 2017, I went to Dr and my weight was 221 lbs. Today I went back to same Dr and I my weight is 155 lbs! That made me so happy! That's 66 lbs gone forever! I feel so great with so much energy that I wish everyone would feel like I do! So thankful to God and Shibboleth! This lifestyle is the best way to live!❤
In 2001, I had yo-yo'ed my way up to over 300 pounds and opted for LAP-Band Surgery as a last result. I had great results from it and maintained a weight around 190 for almost 15 years. I was happy and active. In January of 2016, I had A-Fib and I feel the medication and less activity helped me put back 45-50 pounds- 242 pounds. My wonderful Physician's Assistant, Mae Johnson kept telling me about Shibboleth and I started the next day. That was March of 2017. This past weekend, October 20, I weighed 187. Now that may seem like a good bit to most of the women, but it is a size 12 for me and I am quite happy. I will continue on the Phase I plan for a bit more until I know I am stable. I would like to lose 5-7 more but I am fine where I am.
I have appreciated the plans, challenges and support on the "planet". I also feel the message constantly of breakfast for the Father, lunch for the Son and Dinner for the Holy ghost kept me going. I walk about 5 miles total a day…
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So you can see the weight loss was never about vanity. It was about survival. Down 55 lbs!

Praise God for answering my prayer that day at the altar and praise God for Shibboleth! Now, I'm living and loving my life.
Hard to believe almost 1 year ago. This was on Christmas morning 2016. WOW! This person in the pink pj's was so lost in life and so unhealthy and just going thru the motions of life but not living life. Thank God on December 31st, I signed up for Shibboleth. Even though it still took me till February 6th 2017 to actually start my new life, now 81 lbs less! I am healthy, happy, and living the life I had inside me that was dieing to get out.
I have battled weight loss for.....forever....20 plus years. I regained the same 10 pounds a million times and sometimes more than 10! I worked out consistently and really tried to watch what I ate....but what I ate was for comfort and what I learned is that food is not comfort. It is fuel. That is what a Shibboleth has taught me most. Today is my 6 month Shibboleth anniversary (the end of my 24th week) and I can not be prouder to say that I have dropped FIFTY pounds!!! Investing the time into learning Shibboleth and keeping your days perfect...it is undeniable that it produces results...I mean I did it....after failing to do it for so many years!!

#shibbolethlife is my motto....why not live a lifestyle that allows you to meet goals never thought possible. It is a community filled with success and support and I am so thankful for Joney Garrett introducing me to this amazing lifestyle.
I love this planet!

I am HAPPY, I am HEALTHY, I am BLESSED and I am a forever Shibbolithian.
1 year ago today, I began MY journey with Shibboleth. Words cannot express the love & gratitude I have for this program, the founder, the mentors & fellow members. To date, I am down 106.4 lbs & have been enjoying maintenance for the last 6 weeks. My faith, my relationship with the Lord, my energy, my outlook & love for life have all increased tenfold. Going from "morbidly obese" to an "approved BMI" has opened new doors that I thought were closed & locked forever. I am HAPPY, I am HEALTHY, I am BLESSED and I am a forever Shibbolithian.
Y'all may get tired of my posts, but I have to share. This seems like the best place, with people who will understand my journey. From the time I was about 9, I was a chubby kid. I will never forget when I was 14, my dad signed our family up for a membership at Douglasville Health and Athletic Club (Gold's Gym on Hospital Dr.). They weighed me, in front of my friend, and I was 184. I was mortified! That was the first time I felt like I was a "big girl." I never felt pretty as a teenager. When I was 20, I went through a low carb, high cardio phase and lost down to 164. I was thrilled, but over the next years gained it back, got married and started having babies. The highest non-pregnancy weight I saw was 242. I've been on a health/fitness journey for over 7 years now, trying everything nutritionally and running my heart out, but staying between 185-190ish. In February, I saw 203.4 and knew I had to do something, so I started Shibboleth. This morning I saw this!…
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This seems like the best place, with people who will understand my journey.

I thank God for bringing me here to where I am today and for bringing Shibboleth, Travis Martin, Jason Whitener, Tyler Mathis and all my other wonderful Shibboleth family into my life!
I've struggled all my life with my weight. After having my two children it became even more difficult. In the fall of 2012 my world turned upside down and inside out for me when my husband's mining job came to a premature end due to the economy and we had to leave where we was living in God's country in a small rural town of Idaho. It was home in my heart. I was devastated because the last thing I ever wanted was to live in Georgia again. The move was very hard on me emotionally, mentally and physically. Looking back it was the beginning of my downward spiral. In the fall of 2015 my battle buddy and I attended our first Shibboleth meeting. We both left the meeting saying no way! This isn't for us! That winter I hit rock bottom and found myself in even worse health and now having to take blood pressure and anti-depressants. Well my battle buddy & I, whose health had declined too, attended another meeting and on the spot decided right then that our lives were cha…
Losing weight is a mind game for sure but pics like these and trying on my size 20-22 pants are such encouragement. I believe you in always loving yourself, if you love yourself and feel confident at 400 lbs then you go girl! For me that wasn't the case I felt like a prisoner in my body and that's why I've worked so hard to feel the freedom I feel now. I share my journey with you all because I truly hope to encourage those of you that feel as miserable as I did to work hard and gain the success I have because I promise if I COULD, YOU CAN!

This program is amazing!

I'm down 65 pounds!!
So June 13th was 1 year since I started the shibboleth lifestyle! I'm down 65 pounds!! Still working on it, but very happy with where I am!! So here's a little before and after, so I can see what 65 pounds looks like.
My Pedro is down 40 lbs as of this morning and was dancing unto The Lord rejoicing for what God has done at church. As, Buddy Vanmeter knows, truck drivers like Pedro can have soda and get a lot of junk food with the points from refueling. Its a choice they make to live this lifestyle.

I just wanted to thank Travis, Sasha Martin & Jason Whitener for all the time & resources you've invested in our family. I am the only member but my husband and daughter have also benefited.

I'm forever thankful for my wife, Anjie, mother-in-love, Shirlene, and, of course, Travis Martin, Tyler Mathis, Melanie McKenley, Melissa Paris, and all my Shibboleth family for all the things you have shown me! Now, I have lost 84 pounds and I don't have body aches anymore. I have more energy, my clothes fit, and I can breathe! I am train at the gym 4-5 days a week and I am still learning. I am still overcoming the mindset I have had toward food, but now I have the tools to do so. Bless the name of the Lord!
Before I started Shibboleth and now!
At 37 years old, I suffered from achy feet and legs, my gut always got in the way, my pants never felt like they fit, and it didn't take more than walking up a few steps to get winded. I was tired of having to hold my breath in order to bend over and tie my shoes!
My wife and I joined Shibboleth in July of last year, but we didn't really get going until August. We are a part of Ringgold Shibboleth and have learned so much along the way. It is freeing to understand how what you used to eat was working against you! What bondage the diet devil likes to place on us! I used eat for every reason-happy, sad, tired...whatever! I was always thinking about my next meal. But then God brought Shibboleth into my life. Knowledge is power. It's exciting to learn how food should work for you.
Everyone needs to DECIDE. Everyone CAN do this. Food is NOT your ruler! God is calling all of us to be FREE! He is so full of love and He will be with you!
I want to share a little info with my Shibboleth family. I NEVER liked taking pictures because well, as you can see me in the blue shirt and shorts i was in a 2X, seldom in a 1x top and 20/22 size pants. In September 2016, my coworkers convinced me to visit a Shibboleth meeting. I went, i was a little hesitaant but i went. I showed up at Salem Baptist Church, nervous but i knew that Donna Hardin, Gayle Gazaway and Chris Griffin would be there so i was a little more comfortable. I signed up and weighed in at 212.4 lbs, i was told that i would get an email with my starter kit info in a day or two. Before I left, I was giving a packet and Jason Whitener said here you go read this...lol I took it home, read it, or thought i did and since i figured i would get the starter packet i took it upon myself to stop at Mcdonald's and i got me a sausage mcmuffin meal, and a thing of cinnamon melts :) I figured i have another day or two... Then for lunch i had Arby's...lol Then after a whi…
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I would like to thank Jason Whitener, Travis Martin, Sasha Martin, Joan Shibboleth, Tyler Mathis (no longer with us physically), my coworkers and all the Shibboleth employees and members for all the support and tools they offer to help you meet your goals. One piece of advice is all members need to use the resources available even the calculator. My husband gets annoyed sometimes because i am calculating. If it dont work, i keep moving on. On 3/13 at my Dr. visit I was told my diabetes is now in remission, no longer on medication, was taken off blood pressure and two cholesterol medications as well. Now I did have times where i gained some during my journey but do not feel discouraged it works and reach out to the staff for help. I thank Shibboleth for the new way of life, not a DIET. I as of this morning completed the Hemp bar challenge and as of this morning I am 153.8 making total weight loss of 58.60 lbs. YAY ME! Now the real work starts to maintain it since i am now in a LARGE size for tops and size 12 pants and 14 in dresses (with zippers, LOL) THANK YOU ALL for the support.

I am so thankful for Shibboleth and everything Travis Martin and Sasha Martin does for this ministry. I feel like you saved my life!
I am in ONE-Derland today! Finally! The picture on the left is spring break last year in Colorado. The picture on the right is today. I am so exited I'm down 131.7 since I started on April 20 of last year. We are going to the beach next week and I can't wait to walk on it. I haven't been able to do that in years. The last time I was 199 lbs I was 20 years old, over 27 years ago.
I have struggled with my weight all my life. My beautiful daughter took these pictures and put them together so that I could finally see what everyone else could see. She made me cry happy tears. This is the only weight loss program that has ever worked for me. I finally see the 34 lbs I have lost..

I am beyond blessed. Thank you everyone!

Huge Thank you to Amy Shibboleth, Brooklyn Martin-Shibboleth, Sasha Martin, Joan Shibboleth, Jason Whitener!!! I may not have met all of you but you keep me going with just your encouraging words & helpful tips!!!
I could not be more excited, I earned my pink shirt a few weeks ago.. I went to the center today to pick it up & lost an additional 5 pounds!! Down 24.8 pounds gone forever! 18 inches gone forever! I'm only 4'11... I started out in a size 14 (but probably needed a 16, and now my 10's are loose!! I can honestly say with out the Shibboleth family support this would have never been possible. Y'all are all amazing & everyone's journeys are all different but our end goal is all the same!! I still have 30 pounds to go but I can do it!! This shirt was so rewarding to get but the letter from Travis Martin meant so much more. I thank God every night for what he has created for all of us. So thankful to finally be getting my life back!! Everyone at the center has all of our backs!! Putting this shirt on I cried, happy tears!! Here is my before & now pic!! Huge Thank you to Abby Dees, not only a huge inspiration but another selfless person who doesn't mi…
In honor of Face to Face Friday, and earning my 25lb badge (32 total today) and my tshirt! I showed the picture on the left to someone whose approval I have sought my entire life, their response, "looks the same to me". But there is so much different. That girl on the left had let grief control her for over a year, she let food and alcohol fill a void that she thought would never be filled again. And then one random day when cleaning out spam, she found her way to this group, back to the Lord and to hope. That girl on the right, her smile is genuine, she has hope and she has learned to LIVE again. I am 32 pounds down today, halfway to goal, but my celebration today is for far more than a physical appearance. If you are new, just know that every person here wants you to succeed and live! We are all in this together and I am so happy to have found a special group of likeminded individuals!

There is no way to say thank you to everyone who contributes in this group, to everyone who steps out and shares their success, but most of all to Travis Martin and Sasha Martin for all they give of themselves to each and every member.

Thank you to the Shibboleth family for all your support and for this great lifestyle change that we know that we can live with. Love you all for giving our lives back.
On September 2, 2016 my sister, Brenda Goode Crooke and I joined Shibboleth. We both wanted to lose weight and both of us wanted to just feel better.
I was on 50 units of Insulin & 2 metformin pills for my diabetes, taking 3 blood pressure pills, cholesterol pills and synthroid.
In this short 4+months I have lost 42.2 pounds, came off the insulin in 29 days, only taking 1 metformin, came off the cholesterol medicine and have decreased my blood pressure pills to 1/2 of a pill.
My sister, Brenda Goode Crooke , has lost a whooping 69.2 pounds.
TOGETHER WE HAVE LOST A TOTAL OF 111.4 POUNDS. Bless the name of the LORD at all times.
Hi my name is Brenda Sue Burk and this is my story. On Feb. 14, 2016, I went for my yearly physical and was told that I was pre-diabetic with an A1C of 7. My doctor told me if I didn’t lose weight that I would have to go on diabetes medication. I didn’t want more medicine because I was already taking 2 blood pressure pills, cholesterol pill, lasix, and nexium.
I had heard about Shibboleth through people at my church that had been on it and lost lots of weight. I decided to go to one of the meetings although I was skeptical. I had been on just about every diet there is out there and after a little success I would start gaining my weight back.
I started on Shibboleth on March 16, 2016 and have never looked back. It is the best decision I ever made. To date I have lost 60lbs and 30 inches. I have been able to come off of one of my BP medicines, lasix, and have been able to cut my dose on my cholesterol medicine in half. My A1C is now 5 and my cholesterol is 117. #BLESSTHENAMEOFTHELORD

Thank you Travis Martin and Sasha Martin for having the insight to start this program. I feel it has literally saved my life. Thank you Jason Whitener for teaching me the Shibboleth lifestyle and how it works. I love the Shibboleth lifestyle and never plan to go back to letting food control my life again!!

The Shibboleth Planet is working. My official weight loss as of today is 69.7 pounds, with 35 inches lost.
If you need to lose the weight, come get on the Shibboleth Planet with us, we can all do it together. The Shibboleth family will be with you and best of all, Our Father God will be with us all. I’m 30 pounds from my goal weight!
Wanted to write this to let everyone know that Shibboleth is the real deal. I started my journey with Shibboleth February 2016. I did it because my beautiful wife asked me to do it with her, so I said okay I’ll go to the meeting. So glad she asked me to do it. When we got to the first meeting (at our church, Pine Grove Baptist) they gave us a paper and said we want you to write down your “Why”.
Let me tell you my why: I was 44 years old, 5’8’ and I weighed 287 pounds, and God has blessed me with a beautiful wife, and 3 wonderful children. I was taking medication for high blood pressure and I always felt like I was tired. So my why was that I’ve got too many blessings from God to let myself be this fat and unhealthy, didn’t want to die and not be there for my family.
Since I have been on the Shibboleth Planet, I’ve learned a lot about the lifestyle. Changes needed to make a difference in my life. I think the hardest thing for me has been the fact that it’s not a diet, it’s a way of life.…
To me personally, Shibboleth is a lifestyle not a diet. I have done diets and they have worked, but I could never keep the weight off. I saw friends and neighbors doing the Shibboleth program and I knew that I could do it too. Once you understand the lifestyle, the program is easy. I lost 70 lbs in aprox 6 months and have kept it off for 4 months. #blessthenameofthelord #bodybyshibboleth

I won't ever need another diet, I have the Shibboleth lifestyle. I have the support of friends I have made while doing the program. Come get started on the lifestyle!

Thank you Shibboleth lifestyle and staff for all the help!
Thank you Lord! I can now tell a difference with our weight loss in these pics! I'm 50 lbs down, hubby is 40 lbs down!
I started my journey on January 25th 2016 and on my 6 month weigh in July 25th 2016, I have lost a total of 60 pounds. I have a lot more to go but with the help of the good Lord and Shibboleth I know I can do it. I have tried many many things in the past that has never worked. But this does. It is something you can stick to from now on. You can get all of your food from the grocery store and eat at most restaurants. I have Hashimoto's disease and PCOS which makes it very hard to lose weight. But it is slowly working. I greatly appreciate the support from Jason whitener. I have also come off of my blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I am able to walk now without dying and I will be participating in my first 5k next month.

Thank you Shibboleth for helping me get my life back!

Thank you to the Shibboleth family for all your support and for this great lifestyle change that I know that I can live with. Love you all for giving my life back.
I am a diabetic and in August 2016 I had two really bad spells with my diabetes. My blood sugar went so high I could have went into a coma but by the grace of God I did not. At the end of August a friend of mine on Facebook was diagnosed with diabetes and said she had went to a Shibboleth meeting. I was curious as to what this was so I did some research. I realized that this was a revised version of Thrive and joined that night.
On September 2, 2016 I began my journey. This is not a diet it is a lifestyle change. I was on 50 units of Insulin and , 2 metformin pills for my diabetes, taking 3 blood pressure pills, cholesterol pills and synthroid.
In this short 4+months I have lost 41.4 pounds, came off the insulin in 29 days, only taking 1 metformin, came off the cholesterol medicine and have decreased my blood pressure pills to 1/2 of a pill.
The best thing is I feel so good.
I started this diet journey in Feb. 2016. As of December 31, I am down 90 lbs. At the beginning of December, I joined Shibboleth with an awesome group of people and have lost more in three weeks than I have since the beginning. So excited to see what 2017 will bring!!!

I lost 90 lbs in 10 months!

Because of Shibboleth, Travis Martin and his team, I'm happy again, my husband is happy, my daughter is happy and I can really smile again.
Before Shibboleth, I was just existing. I wasn't living. I was numb inside, well other than the misery and pain I lived in everyday. I hated myself. I was miserable and I made others around me miserable too. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything and Lord forbid I see someone I hadn't seen in a while. I was so ashamed of the weight I had gained. Food made me happy and made me hate life at the same time. It was my drug. It was really hard to find pictures of myself before my weight loss because I hid from the camera. My family is a huge picture taking family. Every get together we have to take pictures. I would dread it so bad. And once the picture was taken I warned them they better not post it on Facebook or anywhere else. I never wanted to see it again and I didn't want anyone else to see it either. I mean, I reported my own sister to the Facebook authorities for posting a picture of me that I didn't ok for her to post! Who does that?! LOL! This is awfu…
I began my journey at 294 lbs with the old program and carried over day 1 with Shibboleth. I half hearted stayed with the program until October 2014. I let life get in my way and quit. In October 2015, I was up 50 lbs of the 80 I had lost. I was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at this point in my life. I felt awful and I looked awful. I was slowly killing myself. In November 2015, I decided to start back with the program on my own. I did drop a few pounds but I knew it wasn't enough to be by myself. On January 19, 2016 I officially came back home to my Shibboleth family. To date, I have lost 102 lbs. I have went from a very tight fitting 26w to a size 12-14. The best part is; as of July 11, 2016, I no longer have diabetes! I am feeling so much better. I have energy and I look better. For the first time in my life I'm not ashamed of me. I'm learning to be proud of me and love myself. God made me because he loves me. I hope I can inspire someone to change their life. …
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I should honor Him and use the tool he has given me, that's Shibboleth. I am so grateful to Sasha,Travis and the whole team for following God's plan for them.

I thank God for the Shibboleth Team for them allowing God to use them and share all the tools we need to live healthier, happier and longer!
I started Shibboleth on Feb 4th, 2016 weighing 278 lbs size 22. I could hardly put on my shoes or tie them by myself. It was a very difficult task to put my pants on. I couldn't stand at my kitchen sink or stove for over 5 minutes due to my back killing me. I lost 11 lbs my first week. I took my Mom back home with me on hospice on Feb 16th. She passed away Feb 26th. By this time (22 days) I had already lost 21 lbs. Normally this would've been the end of my weight loss but not this time. I'd lost 40 lbs in 9 short weeks!! I've lost 60 lbs and went from size 22 to 16. I feel better than I've felt in so many years even though I'm still heavier. I have a long way to go but look at what has already been done!! I thank God for giving me strength to continue during my weak times. I'm now weighing in at 218 and I'm excited about being below 200 within the month for the first time in 11 years. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
I became a member of Shibboleth almost a year before I actually got started, and I regret that. However, things have really changed for me since I committed to the Shibboleth lifestyle. I have not only lost 50 lbs., I also lost my need for blood pressure medicine, and I can run up the stairs at home with no side effects. Before, I went up (and down) the stairs very slowly and would become dizzy, short of breath, and my heart would race and beat very hard.

Thank you Travis and Sasha Martin for the gift of Shibboleth! Thank you God for giving me the strength to do this! I love Planet Shibboleth and ALL of my Shibboleth family very much!

My son has lost 60 pounds doing Shibboleth!!!
I get up every day and watch one of Travis's videos and learn more about food and what it does in our bodies. So I had my 15 year old son, EVAN, captive one day while we were driving into Nashville and I was telling him all that I had learned from Travis and he just said, "Mama, that sounds like something I think I can do because it makes a lot of sense"! So I told him that if he will just do everything I said like Travis tells us that he will lose the weight and the very next day he started on the program and he sticks to it... He is very determined when he gets his mind set on something. I believe that was the end of January or first of February and up to now he's lost a little over 60 pounds!
Just wanted to post how thankful I am to have been introduced to the Shibboleth lifestyle. Over the weekend, I went through my closet and drawers and was able to give away 6 garbage bags and 1 huge box of clothes!!! I have struggled my whole life with my weight and yo-yo dieting. My weight would range from 103 to 181 lbs!!! (I'm 5'3''). I've also had a resting heart rate of 112 bpm for over 20 years.....it is now 65!!!! The only thing I'm doing differently is this new way of eating. Travis Martin has been given a gift from God to help people who struggle with their weight and I am one of those people. I feel like I, too, have been given a gift. It is so liberating to not have to think about another diet for the rest of my days. Thank you doesn't seem enough for all I've been given.

God bless you Travis Martin, Jodi Harbin, and all the sweet Shibboleth family for your knowledge and support. I am forever grateful.

So thankful for Travis Martin and all our wonderful mentors!!
I started my Shibboleth journey 1 year ago, today! Giving GOD all the glory for every pound and inch that I have gotten rid off!! 60 lbs. gone for good!!! (Haven't reached my goal yet, but, taking one day at a time.) I could not have done this without God's help...Phil. 4:13!!
I started my journey with Shibboleth lifestyle 3 years ago tomorrow. I can't believe that I have actually lost and maintained 60 pounds less of me. Do I have days that I struggle with eating properly? Yes. Does my weight fluctuate back above goal weight? Yes. But, the awesome thing about this program is that you can get off track and get right back on. It's all about doing the right thing more than the wrong thing.

I thanked God for Travis Martin and Sasha Martin, as well as the rest of the amazing Shibboleth team who are committed to helping others become more healthy daily and sacrificing so much. Looking forward to being on this journey for a very long time together!

Shibboleth is not a diet. It is a lifestyle that you can live with and achieve your goals. It is well worth the small investment to get your life back. Love you Travis Martin and Sasha Martin and team Shibboleth!
"Before I found Shibboleth, I weighed 350 lbs. I was depressed, in constant pain in my joints and I felt hopeless. I had lap band surgery in 2003 and failed at maintaining my weight loss. I got on my knees and prayed for God to show me the way to getting my life back. It was through God's grace that I found Shibboleth. I have just celebrated my 2nd year anniversary with the program and have lost 170 lbs. In August, I will have my second reconstructive surgery done and I will be at my final weight loss goal. I am finally free of my aches and pains and look like I did when I was 16 years old."
I found victory in not having to wait for table seating vs. booth seating when we go out to eat. Victory of hopping on the log flume ride at Dollywood with my son and husband instead of being concerned about if I'd exceed the weight limit or be able to use the seat belt in the ride without an extender. Victory of attending sporting events without the worry of of the type seating the stadium offered. Bench style seating vs. individual chair seating.

There have been so many victories and so much success in my weight loss journey, I sometimes think I don't even realize all that GOD has accomplished!

I can't go without giving thanks to all the Shibboleth family and mentors. A special thanks to Travis Martin and Sasha. Thanks everyone for pouring yourselves into us; not just mentally and physically, but spiritually. Thank you God!!!
"I have to give it up for God again. He deserves all the glory, honor, and praise for it all. I have to share my praise report along with God's goodness. I started the Shibboleth journey late February. Since this journey, I have learned discipline, patience, and willpower. All of these factors was much needed in my life; not just for eating right, but for my personal life, spiritual life, and career. Since my last weigh in, I'm knocking on 51 lbs weight loss and almost 18 total inches. I have lost some in every area of my body. PRAISE GOD!!!"
I actually began on 9/11/2012 at 184.2 lbs and was told by my doctor I would have to begin several medications. I did not want to do that and he suggested Thrive. He said I could "try" to control it with diet, but he did not think it would work and would re-check in 3-4 months. I was 60 years old and had convinced myself I was "too old" to change. I went back to the doctor on 12/5/2012 and everything was normal!! Cholesterol went from 287 to 170, Blood Glucose from 112 to 74, BP from 147/90 to 114/78!! My ending weight is 148.6!! I have maintained this and I still have a little to go (not sure yet where I'm going to stop, but I'll know when I get there). I have learned that I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I just returned from a mission trip to Mazatlan, Mexico, where our team of 15 volunteers built a house for a family-in 3 days! I did not want to go because I felt like I would hold everyone else back, but thanks to being in good he…
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Thank you, Travis, for encouraging us to study God's Word! I know I could not have done this without all of the Shibboleth Family! Thank you Travis, Sasha and Angela and all others who post on Facebook and work behind the scenes- I know God sent me to you and you have saved a life!!

I appreciate the care and time that has been put into all of this. I am grateful. God bless you all!!!
"This is a great program . . . well, "program" probably doesn't do justice to it when you throw in the spiritual and community aspects. I lost all my weight -- 80 lbs. -- on the program, and have kept it off for for over two years, the last two months on Planet Shibboleth. I have only gotten 10 lbs. over my original goal once, that being right after Christmas last year. It melted off quickly after that."
My husband has lost 57 pounds and I have lost 25 pounds and kept it off for two years. I tried all kinds of other diets and never made it to my goal and always put the weight back on. (The first picture was before I lost 25 pounds on another program. So I have really kept off 50 pounds.) We love that it is a faith based weight loss program and are always encouraged by the classes and Shibboleth community.

Not only were we successful on Shibboleth, but it is a lifestyle that we will live forever!

Thanks to Shibboleth, I am happy, healthy and feel beautiful again. I pray that God bless you and your team. You are doing a great job!!!
The last 5 years for me has been a hard battle. I had a baby in 2008 and she was 6 months old I found out I had cancer. The doctors wouldn't let me lose my baby weight until I completed chemo. I gained 45 pounds while I was pregnant and more weight while I was doing chemo. I did 3 years of chemo and the doctors removed my port and last year and told me that I could start trying to lose my weight back down. I tried on my own for several months and lost some of the weight, but then Shibboleth came into my life. I have only been on this 3 months and I am back down to where I was before I had my daughter. I went back to the doctor 3 weeks ago and they gave me a perfect bill of health. No signs of cancer and all my blood work is perfect. I have my energy back and I feel better than I ever have. After doing chemo, I never thought I would feel like myself again.
"My wife and I started about 2 years ago. Both determined to get our lives back. 120 lbs together weight loss! I came off of blood pressure and acid reflux medication. Learned an awesome program that was sustainable, fun, and effective."

Not only did we lose weight, but we met, and became friends with two of the most genuine people out there. Travis and Sasha truly have a heart to reach and help others!