96% Lean or Better Hot Dogs, Franks

Rating: 5
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You may have up to 2 franks.  It is best to have them with only 1 serving of category 2 bread. 

To add a little flavor from the missing fat, you can fry them in a little MCT oil.  

"I love to cut mine up and fry them in a little MCT oil with bell peppers.  Then, I either put them in a bowl and top with a tbls or 2 of Slawsa or put them in one toasted 50 calorie tortilla and top them Slawsa.  If I have a little Taco Soup leftover from the night before, I'll sometimes add a tbls of that too.  You won't be missing any flavor if you do it this way.  YUM!" - Kim Shibboleth