Great Value Fat Free Cream Cheese

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For a snack, mix the cream cheese with some Italian herbs and use spread it over bell peppers or in celery. 

It has a 0 WLM because it is predigested protein and requires very little energy from your body for digestion. 

Fat free cream cheese has become harder to find in some markets in recent years. Many recipes that call for cream cheese already have another protein source in them and do not require the cream cheese to work so if you are having trouble finding it, you could consider leaving it out and in many cases, this will make the recipe even better for weight loss. If that is not an option for you, you could also try using non-fat plain Greek yogurt (strained or unstrained) or fat free or reduced fat cottage cheese (strained or not) in place of it. Some recipes in the library may have notes indicating an amount of 1/3 less fat or full fat cream cheese you may use in place of it. However, this option will not work with all recipes. It is not recommended, but if the above alternatives are not suitable to you, in recipes that do not include category 3, 5, or 6 and are not categorized as a snack, you may use reduced fat or neufatchel cream cheese as long as you reduce the amount of cream cheese used by at least 1/3 of the amount the recipe calls for. We know it is frustrating when you find a recipe you want to try and can't find some ingredients in your area. However, cream cheese is not necessary to live this lifestyle and is not even a great food for weight loss so with thousands of recipes in our library (less than 10% including any cream cheese) and even more simple 1+2, 6+2, 7+2, 4+2... options that aren't even in our library, we encourage to focus on meals you can have with the ingredients you can find rather than what you cannot find. Remember you get 6 holidays a month as well so you may make recipes with whatever cream cheese you'd like on those days.