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to see https://www.myshibboleth.com/survival-tools/food/two-good-lowfat-greek-yogurt-any-flavor/ page, please login to your account or register.
as a snack = 0 WLM
as a meal without hemp flakes = 0 WLM
as a meal with hemp flakes = -1 WLM
Greek yogurts are very good! However, they are not a -3 by themselves. The regular Greek Plain Yogurts are actually 0 to -1 at best because while they are a categoyr 1 lean protein, they are predigested (requiring little digestive energy) and offer no improvement on metabolism, but they DO keep you in EFB. This is why chicken with broccoli is a -3 for example (body really has to work to digest it).
Triple Zero yogurt is better on WLM because it is loaded with protein and fiber and therefore a -2 by itself. The body is working harder with this one.
Keeping calories of yogurt under 200 and adding 1 tbls of hemp flakes would improve the yogurts on the WLM, making them even better for weight loss.